
Showing posts from September, 2018

Food Prices, Nutrients and the Least-Cost Diet

Food Prices, Nutrients and the Least-Cost Diet This exercise is intended to give you a sense of the magnitudes and trade-offs involved in the nutritional aspects of food consumption choices. You will use real data from authoritative sources. Write a 2-3 page (double-spaced, standard margins, 11 or 12 point) response to this exercise. As you work through the exercise, pace yourself and don’t take too long on any one question.  Please put your student ID on the assignment so that the assignment can be graded blindly. For this assignment your numerical results are best presented in tables rather than charts. The data should be formatted carefully so as to present data clearly – use the tables you see in your readings as exemplars. Place your text below or above the tables, but always make sure to label the tables and refer to them directly in your text (e.g. as “Table 1” not “the table”.) Write as thoughtfully as possible in concise but complete sentences. If a sentence contains more t


Read the whole book;Who Owns the Icehouse; Prepare a 5 page personal reflection on what you have learned from the book and how you plan to apply these lessons going forward. This is not a book review that summarizes what happened in the book, but a personal reflection paper about how this book will influence/impact your future plans. Basically read the whole book and write your own reflection go how this book influences your future. Write at least 8 lessons that you have learned from this book and how you will apply them to your future. The lessons must be positive and in a way that it helps apply new strategies to you life that will help your future plans Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Entrepreneurship appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING E

Public Transportation

Select a business (or business sector) in this case the chosen sector is Public Transportation (Bus & Train) and evaluate how analytic techniques and the use of data have altered the operations of the organization(s) In the sector. You should consider how the use of data and analytic techniques has changed the way the business delivers value to customers and stakeholders . You should also consider possible future uses of data analytics in the business/sector. You should give specific examples of the data types that are used and how analytics is used to create value Credit will be given for: A clear description of the ways that the chosen business/business sector make use of analytics A clear identification of differing points of view regarding the effectiveness and future potential of analytics . Providing good examples that support the arguments presented in the assignment. A well-reasoned argument leading to appropriate conclusions . Support for your argument using

Climate Change

I need the writer to writer for me 5 pages for this and another one page summary and discussion question which is different for the paper because this paper I will submit it alone .and here is the instruction the reading is from this book about Climate change (Kapucu, N., Hawkins, C., & Rivera, F. I. (eds.). (2014). Disaster resiliency: Interdisciplinary perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge. Newman, P., Beatley, T., & Boyer, H. (2017). Resilient cities: Overcoming fossil fuel dependence. (2nd Ed). Island Press.) and here is what will come in this week Climate change week (Climate Change * Harris, P. G., & Barkdull, J. (2016). Adapting to dangerous climate change: implications for studies of politics, policy, and beyond. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 6(3), 451-459. * Jacques, P., Broad, K., Butler, W., Emrich, C., Galindo, S., Knox, C.C. ̧ Pinto, J., Rizzardi, K., & Ziewitz, K. (2017). Human dimensions and communication of Florida’s c

Nurses use Quality Indicators (QIs) for several purposes. QIs highlight potential quality concerns, identify areas that need further study and investigation, and track changes over time.

Nurses use Quality Indicators (QIs) for several purposes. QIs highlight potential quality concerns, identify areas that need further study and investigation, and track changes over time. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) QIs include  Prevention Quality Indicators ,  Inpatient Quality Indicators ,  Patient Safety Indicators , and  Pediatric Quality Indicators  (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, n.d.). You will use these quality indicators within your Assignment. This Assignment also takes you back to the Walden Library. The Library is an invaluable resource for discovering nursing and health care–related databases and professional articles. Continue to practice and refine your writing skills. Learn how to use APA in-text citations and references. Use the Grammarly program—it is an invaluable writing tool to enhance your work. Focus on the QIs at . Choose a QI related to a nursing topic of interest to you. Think ab

An exploratory analysis regarding the selection and development of a proposed local event.

You are responsible for conducting an exploratory analysis regarding the selection and development of a proposed local event. You have the option of planning a single or multi-day event to be held in Gainesville, FL. You are responsible for identifying a business, organization, development district, or the like to propose an event for profit or not-for-profit. The following questions will guide you through the requirements of your exploratory analysis. The questions posed will require a combination of short answers responses, fully evolved explanations, and in some instances accompanying documentation. Please follow the Assignment Requirements section regarding the expectations and structure of the project found in the syllabus. Please limit the project to 6 pages or less, not including supporting documentation (Like pictures of the laws or rules for the event), if any. Please keep your answers succinct. Prior to conducting your analysis, please ensure you have conducted a conflict

Assingnment 1 – Assessing an organization strategic management.

Carefully select a local organization of your choice either operating in Dubai or in the United Arab Emirates in the business for-profit sector to which you have good access to information (primary and secondary data). In this assignment, you are required to develop a comprehensive assessment of the External environment and the competitive advantage of the organization. To be more specific, you need to answer the following questions using the theoretical concepts that are covered in the course. QUESTIONS 1 Develop a SWOT analysis as a strategic framework tool to critically assess the strategic management process for the selected organization in Dubai. 2 Understand the nature and importance of your selected organization competitive strategy through applying the Porter 5 competitors’ forces. 3 Highlight the recommended management practices resulted from the critical Macro-environment analysis. 4 Critically analyze the strategic direction of the organization showing which stage in t

Unit Assessment: CIPD Level 3 L&D and the Organisation

Unit Assessment: CIPD Level 3 L&D and the Organisation (3LDO)   To be effective, learning and development (L&D) practitioners must understand the organisations they work in or with, and the external factors which impact on those organisations. Without this understanding there is a danger that L&D activities may not be appropriate for the context in which they are delivered or may be unbalanced in terms of addressing both individual AND organisational needs and benefitting all parties. This unit enables learners to develop their understanding of organisations, the reasons they are established and the factors that differentiate them, and their operating environments. Having built a sound base of knowledge about organisations, the unit moves on to look at some different ways L&D is positioned and the typical services L&D provides. Finally, the unit assists learners to consider and evaluate the important question of how L&D can support the achievement of organisati

Key Learning Summary and Development Plan

Key Learning Summary and Development Plan (AC 3.1 BEP) This will be your first key learning summary, as you progress through the qualification, you should identify potential improvements and further development needs and action to meet them. You will be required to reflect on any learning from your assessment and wider study of the unit, your work on your assignment (including attendance at the workshop), and the progress of your development plan objectives. You should then allocate appropriate time to complete the Key Learning Summary reflection. You should also identify any learning points for the future and add to your Development Plan accordingly and also give small updates on any on-going objectives in the right-hand column, (using a different font colour or other visual indicator that links with your KLS colour). Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Key Learning Summary and Development Plan appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWri

International economic crises have contributed to world recessions. Review the process by which global political actors and institutions have managed international economic stress to encourage recovery. Be concrete and cite historical evidence.

Draw upon your readings and cite sources in support of your answers which should be presented in clear and well-organized argument. Answer all of the questions and each answer should be at least two full pages. You will be graded on critical thinking, knowledge of literature, and writing skills. International economic crises have contributed to world recessions. Review the process by which global political actors and institutions have managed international economic stress to encourage recovery. Be concrete and cite historical evidence. What ethical and moral challenges regarding the role of intelligence agencies will have the most important impact on democracies in the near future? What can democratic governments do to meet these challenges? How do leaders of terrorist organizations tend to recruit, indoctrinate, and motivate new members? What tools do they use? What justifications do they use to rationalize the use of violence in support of their cause (provide specific examples)?

Agribusiness Management_Finding market boundaries and spatial price structure

Agribusiness Management 420 Topic: Finding market boundaries and spatial price structure Background As we will see in class, the simple economics of arbitrage provides us with a means for defining the geographic area that can be thought of as a spatial market. It also leads to understanding how prices in one market are transmitted to another! In this exercise, you will review important concepts and put them to use in the context of your product to analyze the spatial dimensions of your product’s markets and price transmission. 1) If you just look at prices for source and destination countries from the last assignment, could you predict whether trade flows link the locations? If so, from which locations do products originate and to which locations do the product flow? 2) Review the economic concept of spatial arbitrage. Describe the spatial arbitrage that occurs for your product. From where does supply move and to where does it move? Does supply come from production at a multitude

Briefly Explain the following terms

Briefly Explain the following terms: Epistemology Justification The Affluent Society Capitalism and Freedom “It’s Toasted” The Volkswagen ad in playboy Magazine Briefly answer the following questions 1.In Madmen episode 3 (The Marriage of Figaro), what did Chet see in Don that the women at the birthday party did not see that caused him to ask, “am I the only one who knows there won’t be cake? 2.Why might Betty Draper as Don, “who’s in there? 3. How well does Peggy Olson adapt to the office culture of 1960 era Sterling Cooper? Briefly explain the meaning, from where it did come from, and who used it for the first time and whom? Utilitarianism Deontology Occam’s Razor Milgram Experiment Autonomy Moral Constructivism Coherence theory of justification Reflective Equilibrium Rawls Original Position Veil of Ignorance Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Briefly Explain the following terms appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScor

Approved Nursing Issue from Milestone 1

Define: Approved Nursing Issue from Milestone 1 In this section, you will simply provide your approved nursing care issue from Milestone 1. (Medication errors).If you were required to make revisions, please use the approved topic that was decided upon from our discussion. You are not to change your focus once it has approved. Remember, you can keep this section simple! Measure: Identify Measures (Indicators) to Support the Issue In this section, you will provide data that supports your selected nursing care issue, is truly an issue. You should be utilizing data about your selected issue from your setting. However, if you do not have data from your setting or only limited data, you will want to state the data you would like to have. Think about what information would be important to know when working to improve or resolve the selected issue? What would you need to know to make an effective change? Measure: Stakeholders In this section, you will provide a detailed list of all the im

How is the company’s organizational structure designed from the perspective of fostering product innovation? What is the effect of the company’s size on innovation?

Pick any company of your choice, preferably one that is not typically associated with the technology sector. How is the company’s organizational structure designed from the perspective of fostering product innovation? What is the effect of the company’s size on innovation? To what extent are the R&D activities centralized versus decentralized? To what extent are the company’s procedures formalized and standardized? To what extent is the company’s organizational structure mechanistic and organic? To what extent does the company adopt loosely coupled structures? To what extent does the company exhibit characteristics of an ambidextrous organization structure? Examine what steps the company takes to develop a structure that fosters innovation. Repeat the above analysis from the perspective of process innovation. In the context of increasing globalization, assess the challenges the company faces in managing innovation across borders. What type of global innovation strategy does

Reflect up on the 4 factors: client factors, relationship factors (therapeutic alliance), expectancy and hope, and model/technique

Reflect up the 4 factors: client factors, relationship factors (therapeutic alliance), expectancy and hope, and model/technique . Think back to your basic nursing preparation courses (e.g., nursing fundamentals). Can you point out some similarities between the concepts found in the addictions “Common Factors” research and what is known to be effective in general nursing practice? What causes nurses to have different expectations for patients that suffer from addiction, compared to patients with other disorders? Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Reflect up on the 4 factors: client factors, relationship factors (therapeutic alliance), expectancy and hope, and model/technique appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

What themes tie these readings together? What do these themes suggest as causes

What themes tie these readings together? What do these themes suggest as causes Your draft of your final paper will be a 3-6 page, double spaced, size 12 Calibri, paper (not counting cover sheet or works cited). This is to be a complete paper, excluding material not yet covered in the class to this point. Think of this as a full paper assignment, not a “partial draft”. The purpose of this assignment is to give your instructor time to catch most major issues/problems with your paper, before you turn in the final draft. Final paper topic: What themes tie these readings together? What do these themes suggest as causes of “social problems”? Should society address these problems and, if so, how should we begin to address them? Focus on Social Problems: A Contemporary Reader (2017). By Mindy Stombler and Amanda Jungels. Okford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-932135-3. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post What themes tie these readings together? What do these them

Nursing Discussion

Initial Discussion Question posting: Discuss how Therapeutic Use of Self and Culture impacts the Nurse-patient relationship. Identify how Therapeutic Use of Self and your personal cultural heritage have impacted your role as Nurse. Provide an example of a situation, in your career; where patient interactions were enhanced or where barriers were evident; in the nurse patient relationship. If there was a barrier, what was done or could have been done to remove the barrier? Bastable Chapter 8 starting on page 25- 355. PDF file too large couldn’t add it Need to add references at the end Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Nursing Discussion appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Memorandum Writing

Par 1 (Problem statement and recommendation): Major Problem / Summary of recommendations: You must identify what you perceive to be the major problem facing the company in this first paragraph. You must summarize in specific terms your proposed action and the benefits such action will bring to the organization. Specific suggests that you present recommendations in precise enough terms for a manager to make a decision after reading the first paragraph if the case situation were real and s/he agreed with your proposal. Par 2 (Rationale and potential drawbacks): What is the justification of your recommendation? This should be done by supporting your recommendation with information or data from the case that make a good basis for the recommendation you have proposed. Also, identify the potential drawbacks or challenges of your recommendation. Rationale behind Recommendations: In this section, you will provide more specifics about your recommendations; including any pertinent background

System Recommendation Report (SRR), Section III – Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues

System Recommendation Report (SRR), Section III – Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues Section III of the System Recommendation Report (SRR) analyzes the ethical, legal, and regulatory policy issues that influence the selection of an EHR system and how it is used.   For this assignment, you will identify the ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues related to health care information systems, explain the impact of the ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues on the selection and use of health care information systems, and describe how the ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues can be addressed in the development and use of EHR systems.  This analysis leads into Section IV – System Recommendation section of the SRR (the Stage 4 assignment) that will propose an EHR solution to meet the Midtown Family Clinic’s organizational strategy and fulfill its operational needs. Below are a list of course resources and an example to assist you in completing Section III of the Repo

Introduction to Urban Planning

Comprehensive Plan Evaluation Assignment Overview The best way to learn about comprehensive plans, is to review an actual plan itself and analyze its various components. This assignment requires you to conduct such an analysis of a comprehensive plan of your choice. You will gather evidence from the plan by interpreting its various components, and critically evaluate the overall content in a written report. Completing the Report Search the internet for a copy of a current comprehensive plan for a city of your choice. Make sure it is the city’s comprehensive (general) plan. Include a citation for this source (including internet link) in your report. Examine the comprehensive plan. Write an essay that clearly addresses the following for the comprehensive plan you identified: –Briefly describe the selected city in a short introductory paragraph. –Briefly describe the plan’s time horizon, approval process, and various components. –Critically analyze each of the following: –How clea

Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues

Stage 3: Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues Before you begin work on this assignment, be sure you have read the Case Study and reviewed the feedback received on your Stage 2 assignment.  Refer to the System Recommendation Report Table of Contents below to see where you are in the process of developing this report. As a professional medical consultant, your next step in developing your recommendation for an EHR system is to determine what ethical, legal and regulatory policy issues apply and how they will be addressed in the selection and use of the system.               System Recommendation Report                              Table of Contents Introduction (Stage 1) I.                     Organizational Analysis and Requirements (Stage 1) A.                   Introduction B. Organizational Strategy C. Strategic Use of Technology D. Components of an Information System E.                  Requirements F.                   Summary II. Shari

Course Reflection Essay_BOOK REVIEW

This Practical Book Review provides an opportunity for you to reflect on, respond to, and evaluate the ideas, concepts, and techniques in Petersen’s (2015) Why Don’t We Listen Better? based on your own life experiences and ideas from other course texts, and apply these to your interpersonal communication context. Begin the body of your paper with a brief introductory paragraph, then organize your review in 3 sections, using the headings Response, Critique, and Application, following the specific directions provided below. Your review must be well written and organized, free of grammar and other writing errors, and formatted according to current APA style. A title page and a reference page are expected, but an abstract is not needed. Also, you may use the first-person pronoun. Response Articulate a personalized response that demonstrates meaningful reflection on the core content. Describe insights you gained about your own communication skills, strengths, weaknesses, and habits. For e

Data Commentary and Critique of Infographic

Data Commentary and Critique of Infographic Choose an infographic that interests you both in its content and its design. Write 4 pages.  Begin with a data commentary paragraph or paragraphs describing the information in the infographic.  Use the language elements from AWGS Unit 4 that we have been studying for the last several class meetings, including selecting the best verbs and verb phrases to communicate strength of claim, using a location statement, and highlighting the most important or interesting aspects of the data.  Paraphrase the numbers and describe trends or surprises in the data. In your next paragraphs, respond to the subject and content of the infographic.  Who is the audience for this infographic?  Why?  What does the infographic suggest about the issue or situation that it addresses?  What is your opinion about the information expressed in the infographic?  Describe your disagreement/predictions/examples of the issue/analysis of causes or effects, or any other wa

What was the source of satisfaction? • Why was the encounter so special? What did the employee do? • What were your expectations? • What could the company do to ensure that this kind of encounter is the “rule” rather than the “exception”?

This individual assignment assesses students’ knowledge of services marketing concepts by requiring students to create a journal of 6 service encounter entries (the exact format is shown in the following page), and then select and analyze 2 service encounters in details. The paper (8 pages, double-spaced) will consist of two parts. Discussion of Best Service. You elaborate on the best service encountered in the last three months. Based on your reading of the textbook and our class discussion, you will analyze: • What was the source of satisfaction? • Why was the encounter so special? What did the employee do? • What were your expectations? • What could the company do to ensure that this kind of encounter is the “rule” rather than the “exception” (if you think it should ensure this)? A good paper will be selective and focus on the most important issues, as this part of the paper should be about 3 pages in length. Discussion of worst service. You will elaborate on

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Title of Film: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Genre: Science Fiction Plot Synopsis (2-3 sentences): Rey, a scrappy scavenger, and Finn, a runaway stormtrooper, team up to return a droid carrying secret information that might be the key to saving the galaxy. Along the way, they join forces with legendary resistance fighters Han Solo and Chewbacca but their plans are complicated when they are hunted down by the evil Kylo Ren and the First Order, the last remnants of the dreaded Galactic Empire. What themes are presented in this film? You may discuss genre, gender roles, social issues/values, history, etc. (at least 5-6 specific examples in sentence form): Mythology: Like the original Star Wars trilogy, The Force Awakens utilizes the monomyth of the Hero’s Journey (as described by Joseph Campbell in his book “Hero of a Thousand Faces”). Rey believes that Luke Skywalker and the magical powers of the Force are a myth. The scavenger, Rey, and Kylo Ren are able to use the magical powers