Memorandum Writing

Par 1 (Problem statement and recommendation):

Major Problem / Summary of recommendations: You must identify what you perceive to be the major problem facing the company in this first paragraph. You must summarize in specific terms your proposed action and the benefits such action will bring to the organization. Specific suggests that you present recommendations in precise enough terms for a manager to make a decision after reading the first paragraph if the case situation were real and s/he agreed with your proposal.

Par 2 (Rationale and potential drawbacks):

What is the justification of your recommendation? This should be done by supporting your recommendation with information or data from the case that make a good basis for the recommendation you have proposed. Also, identify the potential drawbacks or challenges of your recommendation.

Rationale behind Recommendations: In this section, you will provide more specifics about your recommendations; including any pertinent background information that caused you to draw the conclusions that you did. This should include data from the case, and theoretical frameworks and concepts learned in class. For example, you could summarize the market, competitive, and internal factors behind your decision, giving a rationale for adopting your action plan in Paragraph 3 and discarding alternatives. Note, no plan is perfect, so you must examine the potential drawbacks to your recommendation.

Par 3 (Implementation plan/4Ps):

Implementation of your recommendation: How will you achieve your goals? How will you bring these recommendations to fruition? Give a break down of how you plan to implement your recommendation using the marketing mix of the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) Product: what will the product look like, how will it be differentiated. Price: How will it be priced to fit your strategic objectives. Place: Distribution of the products to effectively support your plans. Promotion: what promotion techniques will be used to attract consumers or users.


  1. Have you used the 3-paragraph format?
  2. Have you stated the marketing problem/challenge in Paragraph 1?
  3. Have you included a Summary of recommendations in Paragraph 1?
  4. Have you provided an appropriate rationale in paragraph 2?
  5. Did you provide support for your selected strategy using marketing theory and data from the case?
  6. Did you address the possible drawbacks to your strategy?
  7. Does your action plan in paragraph 3 include all elements of the marketing mix – Product; Price; Place, Promotion? Did you provide sufficient detail?
  8. Did you address any significant cons to your action plan?


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