Introduction to Urban Planning

Comprehensive Plan Evaluation
Assignment Overview
The best way to learn about comprehensive plans, is to review an actual plan itself and analyze its various
components. This assignment requires you to conduct such an analysis of a comprehensive plan of your
choice. You will gather evidence from the plan by interpreting its various components, and critically evaluate
the overall content in a written report.
Completing the Report
Search the internet for a copy of a current comprehensive plan for a city of your choice. Make sure it is the
city’s comprehensive (general) plan. Include a citation for this source (including internet link) in your report.
Examine the comprehensive plan.
Write an essay that clearly addresses the following for the comprehensive plan you identified:
–Briefly describe the selected city in a short introductory paragraph.
–Briefly describe the plan’s time horizon, approval process, and various components.
–Critically analyze each of the following:
–How clearly are the current and (projected) future conditions of the city presented in the plan?
–How clearly are the goals of the plan presented? How are the goals similar to (and different from) the
eight common goals of comprehensive planning outlined in class?
–How clearly do the various components or strategies of the plan connect to the goals?
–What role did public participation appear to play in the planning process?
Your written report should be roughly 2-3 single-spaced pages in length, with a space between paragraphs.
Your report must be structured using the following headings and subheadings:
· City Background
· Plan Background
· Critical Analysis of Plan
· Current and Future Conditions
· Plan Goals
· Connection to Goals
· Public Participation
Use complete sentences, and be clear, concise, and to the point.
Assignments are due Wednesday 9/26 by 4:30PM. Assignments should be submitted electronically as a Word
or PDF document under the “Assignments” tab on Blackboard before the due date and time. After that point,
the link will no longer be visible. NO late essays will be accepted.
All essays should reflect your own individual work. Direct quotes must be cited properly using a consistent
citation style throughout. Be sure to include the link to the comprehensive planning document you
Your essay should be thoroughly proofread for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. Essays
containing excessive proofreading errors will not be accepted for credit.
Worth 100 points total. See the grading rubric on Blackboard for the breakdown of points possible.

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