Public Transportation

Select a business (or business sector) in this case the chosen sector is Public Transportation (Bus & Train) and evaluate how analytic techniques and the use of data have altered the operations of the organization(s) In the sector. You should consider how the use of data and analytic techniques has changed the way the business delivers value to customers and stakeholders. You should also consider possible future uses of data analytics in the business/sector. You should give specific examples of the data types that are used and how analytics is used to create value

Credit will be given for:

  • A clear description of the ways that the chosen business/business sector make use of analytics
  • A clear identification of differing points of view regarding the effectiveness and future potential of analytics .
  • Providing good examples that support the arguments presented in the assignment.
  • A well-reasoned argument leading to appropriate conclusions.
  • Support for your argument using appropriate theory and literature.
  • The adoption of an appropriate academic format, including referencing.

Word limit strictly 3000 words.

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