International economic crises have contributed to world recessions. Review the process by which global political actors and institutions have managed international economic stress to encourage recovery. Be concrete and cite historical evidence.

Draw upon your readings and cite sources in support of your answers which should be presented in clear and well-organized argument. Answer all of the questions and each answer should be at least two full pages. You will be graded on critical thinking, knowledge of literature, and writing skills.

  1. International economic crises have contributed to world recessions. Review the process by which global political actors and institutions have managed international economic stress to encourage recovery. Be concrete and cite historical evidence.
  2. What ethical and moral challenges regarding the role of intelligence agencies will have the most important impact on democracies in the near future? What can democratic governments do to meet these challenges?
  3. How do leaders of terrorist organizations tend to recruit, indoctrinate, and motivate new members? What tools do they use? What justifications do they use to rationalize the use of violence in support of their cause (provide specific examples)? What kinds of individuals (background, education, social class, experience with modernity, relations with family/community, etc.,) tend to join terrorist organizations?
  4. What were the most significant ways in which outside powers exerted their influence on the political, social, and economic development and Iraq and Iran during the colonial and early post-colonial period? In what ways were the ideologies, policies, institutions, and overall approaches to regime stability employed of Ba’athist Iraq and the Islamic Republic a response to this historic experience?
  5. “Secretary of State Kerry recently was quoted: ‘I often say that if I headed back to college today, I would major in comparative religions rather than political science.’ Describe how the paradigm of Eric Hansen seeks to combine these two possibilities; note examples from the paradigm in both fields.”
  6. As the newly-elected Director General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, you have been invited to address the United Nations General Assembly on the topic of global food and nutrition security. As you prepare for your speech, and keeping in mind the newly adopted UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), broadly outline what you consider to be the priority policy options that member government must successfully pursue to achieve our goal of a world free of hunger and malnutrition.
  7. In what ways was the French Revolution more “revolutionary” than the American Revolution? Contrast the subsequent stability of the American regime with the series of major regime changes in France, while also identifying important exceptions to these generalizations. What factors might best explain both the patterns and exceptions?
  8. To paraphrase a famous adage, the United States and France might be considered “two nations divided by a common political culture.” There are profound shared aspects of political culture and history that distinguish these nation in the Western world, yet that at the same time mask important differences of attitudes and practices. Identify important shared aspects of political institutions, history and culture and explain their significance, and then similarly for the aspects that separate the two nations.
  9. The Intelligence Reform and Terrorist Prevention Act of 2004 made significant changes in the U.S. Intelligence Community. Were these the right reforms? Why? Have there been unintended consequences? What else needs to be done, if anything?
  10. Keynes and Hayek shaped the international political economy discussion in the West and elsewhere for most of the 20th century and continuing into the 21st. What are the fundamental arguments of Keynes and Hayek? On what did they agree, and on what did they disagree? How were each of them central to international politics in the 20th century? Who “won,” when? How are their arguments still key today in debates over things like global financial crises, cybersecurity, democracy, and globalization? Be sure to cite specifically by name the relevant authors and their themes/concepts in your answer.
  11. Define and distinguish jus ad bellum and jus in bello concepts and their key elements. What international conventional and customary international law supports each and how do these concepts relate to today’s crises – displaced persons in Syria, refuges in Jordan, Turkey and Iraq and the European migration crisis?
  12. What is the U.S. position on assassination as an instrument of foreign policy? In your answer, identify relevant domestic law and policy and also important international perspectives on the U.S. policy.


  1. Irving Janis in his book Groupthink, suggests that the decision-making process during the Vietnam War contained most of the elements associated with the groupthink phenomenon. Is there evidence to suggest that the Iraq War of 2003 also comports with the elements of groupthink? How does the Iraq War compare or differ with Vietnam in the decision-making process?

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