Assingnment 1 – Assessing an organization strategic management.

Carefully select a local organization of your choice either operating in Dubai or in the United Arab Emirates in the business for-profit sector to which you have good access to information (primary and secondary data).
In this assignment, you are required to develop a comprehensive assessment of the External environment and the competitive advantage of the organization. To be more specific, you need to answer the following questions using the theoretical concepts that are covered in the course.
1 Develop a SWOT analysis as a strategic framework tool to critically assess the strategic management process for the selected organization in Dubai.
2 Understand the nature and importance of your selected organization competitive strategy through applying the Porter 5 competitors’ forces.
3 Highlight the recommended management practices resulted from the critical Macro-environment analysis.
4 Critically analyze the strategic direction of the organization showing which stage in the industry life cycle you believe that the organization is targeting. Justify your answer and give appropriate recommendations while considering the issues of ethics and sustainability.

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