
Showing posts from July, 2018

External Governance

External Governance External Governance Spreadsheet with Stakeholder Map focusing on Worker Safety & Financial/Medical Security (Due at the end of the course.) Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post External Governance appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Task force

task force TASK FORCE COMMITTEE REPORT: ISSUE AND SOLUTIONS Leaders address issues and propose solutions. As a leader, you†ll need to stay on top of events that may facilitate or hinder productivity. You must create and implement solutions to address these issues. This assignment exposes you to complex modern organizational challenges. The solutions you devise should reflect your learning and research of organizational and individual influences in the workplace. PREPARATION 1. Select an organization Select an organization in which current events have adversely affected productivity, requiring management to resolve an issue related to: corporate culture, managing diversity, leading teamwork, and developing motivational strategies. The organization should be one with which you are familiar — where you work now or have worked previously (business, nonprofit, government, or military). You may also consider other organizations in the news, such as Macy†s for the retail industry, Un

Beyond 3BL Paper

Beyond 3BL Paper You are to write a 2 page paper ( not including the cover page and reference page ) to discuss measures we could take to move beyond the 3BL theory.  Is there another “bottom line” that sustainability manufacturing should look at?  Maybe it should be 6BL.  Follow the guidelines that I presented in this module (Cover Page, Paper Template, and Proper References) to write about what you believe should be added, or subtracted to the 3BT model to make it more feasible and productive.  You will need to use 5 professional references, and use APA formatting to reference your sources You will be graded on: The Originality of the paper The Quality of the paper The Quality of the references How well you followed instructions Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Beyond 3BL Paper appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THI

How many atoms are in 0.44 mol of zinc metal?

How many atoms are in 0.44 mol of zinc metal? Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post How many atoms are in 0.44 mol of zinc metal? appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Financial Marketing: Case Analysis

Financial Marketing: Case Analysis Case analysis:  The Greek Crisis:  A Tragedy or Opportunity? 1. How did Greek got into this difficult situation? Whose fault was this? 2. Would you buy Greek Government Bonds (GGBs) now? 3. Does the Greek crisis spell doom for the future of the euro and the euro financial markets The case analysis consists of between 5 to 8 pages excluding tables and charts, if any. The write up should be done in 12 point font Times New Roman and 1″ margins. The case may be completed in group Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Financial Marketing: Case Analysis appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Risk Management

Risk Management Forum 1 Risk management is the job of EVERY supply and logistics manager. International logistics present a unique set of risk factors that must be identified and mitigated. To augment this week’s course material, do your own research on specific aspects of RISK that the supply manager must deal with directly related to International Logistics. Identify at least three risk factors and discuss some of the issues involved with the mitigation/management of those factors. Must use APA Format and be lat least 250 words. Respond to 3 peer reviews Forum 2 You are to choose an current article related to one or more of the topics this week. Must be at least 250 words. Use APA Format and respnd to at least 3 peer reviews. See attached for lessons. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Risk Management appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLIC

Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Prejudice in the Workplace

 Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Prejudice in the Workplace Articles have been given for some sources  In-text citation with page number or paragraph used after any information used, Race, ethnicity, and cultural background are identifiers of individuals. In any society, how we see ourselves and how others treat us depend on many factors. Most people have confronted prejudice based on these identifiers, by either personally experiencing discrimination or knowing someone who has. Beyond ensuring an organization’s compliance with the country’s anti-discrimination laws, it is incumbent upon leaders to support diversity in the workplace and to be culturally competent. Instructions : Write a paper in which you relate an experience with prejudice in the workplace. If you do not have such experience directly, you may base your paper on someone you know who has experienced discrimination, or on an actual case that occurred somewhere in the world. Address the following in your paper: Summar

Workforce Planning

Workforce Planning Assignment Choice #1 :  Workforce Planning The basic function of managers is planning. This assignment gives the learner an opportunity to discuss workforce planning utilizing a substantive approach. In a 3- or 4-page paper: Describe how effective selection procedures help to ensure that candidates selected for the organization meet all the job requirements and are the best fit for the position. Discuss how interviewing, testing, realistic job previews, and assessment centers help organizations determine whether the candidate is the right fit for the job. Explain how reference checks can assess the risk of adding new employees to the organization’s culture. Analyze two (2) legislative acts that have impacted the workforce selection process, including a description of how each has affected both employer and employee. Incorporate two scholarly sources about how HRM professionals use workforce planning to their advantage. The CSU-Global Library is a good pla

Juvenile Sentencing and Policy

Juvenile Sentencing and Policy Write  a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis of Juvenile sentencing that addresses the following: The effect of the Juvenile sentencing policy on all involved stakeholders The role of the courts in creating or enforcing the policy Any recommendations to change the policy and an explanation of why you would make these changes Include  two or three peer-reviewed articles to support your analysis. Format  your analysis consistent with APA guidelines. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Juvenile Sentencing and Policy appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Entrepreneurial Marketing Manager

Signature Assignment: The Entrepreneurial Marketing Manager About Your Signature Assignment   Signature/Benchmark Assignments are designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. Signature/Benchmark Assignments are graded with a grading guide or an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for course/program improvements. Purpose of Assignment   The purpose of this assignment is to assess marketing concepts and situations from an entrepreneurial manager’s point of view. Concepts and relationships are discussed with a special focus on aligning one’s ethics and values with their business actions and understanding the unique differences in marketing strategy planning for domestic business versus business abroad.   Assign

In the Progressive Era (roughly 1890–1920), multiple groups advocated for reforms in various aspects of government, society, and the economy. What do you think was one of the greatest reforms that took place? Share why it was important for the time.

Discussion Post Response Select one of the following subjects, and then respond to at least one of your classmate’s posts: a. In the Progressive Era (roughly 1890–1920), multiple groups advocated for reforms in various aspects of government, society, and the economy. What do you think was one of the greatest reforms that took place? Share why it was important for the time. b. Explain why Wilson did not maintain his own campaign slogan (“He kept us out of war”). Respond to at least one of your classmates and share whether you agree or disagree with their perspective Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post In the Progressive Era (roughly 1890–1920), multiple groups advocated for reforms in various aspects of government, society, and the economy. What do you think was one of the greatest reforms that took place? Share why it was important for the time. appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment stat

Explain why Wilson did not maintain his own campaign slogan

Discussion Post Response Select one of the following subjects, and then respond to at least one of your classmate’s posts: a. In the Progressive Era (roughly 1890–1920), multiple groups advocated for reforms in various aspects of government, society, and the economy. What do you think was one of the greatest reforms that took place? Share why it was important for the time. b. Explain why Wilson did not maintain his own campaign slogan (“He kept us out of war”). Respond to at least one of your classmates and share whether you agree or disagree with their perspective Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Explain why Wilson did not maintain his own campaign slogan appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Philosophy of Psychology: Mind and Society

Philosophy of Psychology: Mind and Society Philosophy of Psychology: Mind and Society Topic and Structure Your assignment is to write an essay of no more than 1,500 words (approximately 4.5 pages) on ONE of the five prompts below. Prompt Four: Algorithmic Bias Prompt Three: The Relationship Between Individual Biases and Structural Biases Writing Constraints • The paper should be submitted anonymously. Do not include your name. Do include your student ID #. • The paper must be no more than 1,500 words. (Use the “word count” function in your word-processor.) We reserve the right to not read past the 1,500th word. Title, citations, and bibliography do not count toward the word limit. • Sentences should be concise. • The paper must be double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font. • Avoid including information that might reveal you as the author. For example, don’t include examples with your name in them. Quotation Policy • Quotations are allowed, but not encouraged. If used, they

Quantitative Methods for Health Services

Quantitative Methods for Health Services “Statements and Strategy”  Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, recommend one strategic goal for the selected organization that aligns with its mission statement, and one critical success factor necessary for the organization to achieve the goal you recommended. Propose three ways in which a healthcare organization’s Board of Directors can influence policy. Provide specific examples to support your rationale. e-Activity   Use the Internet to research a health care organization of your choice. You may use the same organization that you researched in Week 4 or select a new organization. Read the organization’s mission statement and other information that is relevant to the company’s vision, guiding principles values, and goals. Be prepared to discuss. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Quantitative Methods for Health Services appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters

Health Services Administration

Health Services Administration Capstone “Sensitivity Analysis and Regression”  Please respond to the following: Compare the major strengths and weaknesses of the forecasting models presented in Chapter 6. Outline the primary conditions in which regression is a useful and applicable forecasting tool. Provide one (1) example of such a condition to support your answer. If you need the answer of the assignment, kindly place your order and let our Homework Help Services team deliver it to you in a record time Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Health Services Administration appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Health Services Administration Capstone

Health Services Administration Capstone “Mission, Vision, and Values”  Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, analyze the mission statement of the selected organization. Determine two characteristics or components of the mission statement that you believe are most aligned with the organization’s directional strategy. Justify your response. From the e-Activity, review the organization’s values statement (Note: This statement might also be labeled as guiding principles, philosophy, or ethics). Suggest two ways in which the organization can demonstrate its values or philosophy through delivery of its services. (see e-activity below) Use the Internet to research a health care organization of your choice. You may use the same organization that you researched in Week 4 or select a new organization. Read the organization’s mission statement and other information that is relevant to the company’s vision, guiding principles values, and goals. Be prepared to discuss. Get q

Historical Narrative Assignment

Historical Narrative Assignment You will locate an example of historical narrative-it may be an excerpt from an autobiography, it may be an interview, it may be a monologue from a film, it may even be a story told to you by an elder family member/close friend. What is important, is that the narrative be a personal account of narrative related to an event in history. If the narrative is a monologue in a film or an oral story told to you via an in person meeting, you must draft a quick summary of the event or locate a copy on the internet and include the link for me to view. If the narrative is in writing, or a typed interview, simply include that written story in the beginning of your paper. Your paper must include the following: 2 pages total: 1st section: How the account impacted you-what about the story affected you? How did it make you feel? What thoughts did it bring up for you? 2nd section: Please relate the narrative studied with a theme we have discussed in our class. It m

Cultural diversity

Cultural diversity Instructions: In the last decade, much discussion and debate concerning  cultural appropriation  has occurred in the United States. Cultural appropriation has been defined as the act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own, especially without showing that you understand or respect this culture. Controversy and debate about this topic occurs in many areas of our society, from what constitutes appropriate Halloween costumes and how to wear jewelry and clothing from cultures not one’s own (if at all) to whether or not elements from one culture can be placed into a different environment, and so on. For this assignment you will be conducting research into cultural appropriation and addressing the criteria below in an essay paper. As you conduct your research, please highlight, underline, or make note of important or persuasive points that you see authors making in their work, as well as where you see arguments that you think fall short. -What cri

The effects of vitamin D on beta cells

The effects of vitamin D on beta cells (secrition) Elements of the proposal and how they will be marked Title: Concise and conveys the essence of the research question Lay summary (no more than 150 words not included in the overall 2000‐word limit; 10% of marks): A description of the research you propose, how you will do it, and why it is important, written in non‐technical language (no references should be included in this section, as everything you write here will be formally laid out in your main proposal) Note: The exact proportion of the word count to be devoted to each of the following sections will vary according to the content of each proposal; the figures given below are a rough guide. Background (≈ 40% = 800 words, 35% of marks): Set out clearly the background to your research proposal Explain the significance of your specific research area in relation to fundamental questions in basic biosciences and/or human health · Summarise any prior research related

External Analysis

External Analysis The company is Ford Pest- Porters- Using the results from both PEST and Porter’s Five Forces models, write a 4–6 page executive briefing report for organizational leadership. Use the Assessment 4 Executive Briefing Report template (linked in Resources). As noted above, support your report with at least five academic resources. Your report should include the following: Title with introduction. An explanation of key findings from PEST analysis. An explanation of key findings from Porter’s Five Forces analysis. A summary of key findings/results for both models. Recommendations for leadership as a result of your external analysis. Reference page. Note : Title page and reference page(s) are not included in the overall page count. Use clear headings and subheadings to organize the key points of your report. Your report should be clearly written and communicate effectively to organizational leadership; use correct

Can Money Buy You Happiness

Journal 1) Read “Can Money Buy You Happiness” in The Wall Street Journal. 2) Listing 6 important sentences from the reading that you think helped you understand the Blackman essay.  These should be exact quotations from the reading.  Then, comment on why you selected each quote (few comment for each quotation). Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Can Money Buy You Happiness appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Business Portfolio

Business This week, select which of the two Portfolio Project options you will complete in September. Submit the name of the person who will be your interview subject, along with a summary of the theories that you plan to cover. Your approach to theory can change as you progress through the Portfolio Project, so the information you provide this week is not set in stone. Instead, this assignment provides an opportunity to begin thinking about your Portfolio Project and record your preliminary ideas. Your submission should be 2-3 paragraphs in length. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Business Portfolio appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Personality and Motivation – Analyze a Personality

Business Option #1:  Personality and Motivation – Analyze a Personality Demonstrate your understanding of personality and motivation and your critical thinking and writing skills by synthesizing theories of personality and motivation as covered in your textbook readings this week. Include any theories you have discovered in your own personality and motivation research efforts. Base your response to this assignment on the personality of somebody with whom you have direct experience in the workplace—it could be a peer, a manager, a subordinate, or even yourself. Describe the person’s personality broadly (either as described by the “Big Five” model, or by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator from Chapter 9 of your textbook). Given what you know of the personality under examination, explain which theory or theories of motivation would be most effective for a manager to use when trying to help this individual achieve her or his full potential at work. Describe the process of determination a