Philosophy of Psychology: Mind and Society

Philosophy of Psychology: Mind and Society

Philosophy of Psychology: Mind and Society
Topic and Structure
Your assignment is to write an essay of no more than 1,500 words (approximately 4.5 pages) on ONE of the five prompts below.
Prompt Four: Algorithmic Bias
Prompt Three: The Relationship Between Individual Biases and Structural Biases
Writing Constraints
• The paper should be submitted anonymously. Do not include your name. Do include your student ID #.
• The paper must be no more than 1,500 words. (Use the “word count” function in your word-processor.) We reserve the right to not read past the 1,500th word. Title, citations, and bibliography do not count toward the word limit.
• Sentences should be concise.
• The paper must be double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font.
• Avoid including information that might reveal you as the author.
For example, don’t include examples with your name in them.
Quotation Policy
• Quotations are allowed, but not encouraged. If used, they must be cited.
• Quotations should be no longer than 3 lines.

Citation Policy
• External sources are allowed, but not encouraged. If used, they
must be cited.
• If you quote material (readings, external sources, or handouts), you must use a citation and bibliography entry.
• Otherwise, you can use ideas (but not exact phrases) from lecture and handouts without citation.
• If you use an idea that shows up in lecture and the readings, you should cite the reading, but you don’t have to. If an idea is
borrowed from the reading that wasn’t brought up in lecture, then you must cite the reading.
• Cite referenced materials in the following way: at the end of the series of sentences in which you use that reference write (Author Date, Page), e.g., (Dennett 1991, p.39).
• Any sources that are referenced in the text must be listed in the bibliography. Any readable and complete bibliography style is acceptable. (Ask your TA if you’re confused.)
The following are policies you must follow when writing the paper. If you violate any of them, here will be grade deductions.


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