
Showing posts from October, 2016

AAEC 4317/5317: Fall 2016 Commodity Futures Trading and Analysis Hedging project

AAEC 4317/5317: Fall 2016 Commodity Futures Trading and Analysis Hedging project: Due on 01Nov 2016     Name:                                                                                                                         _________   Suppose that you are the manager of a Texas Cattle feedlot. On 01 June2016, you bought 1,000 feeder cattle with the plan of feeding the animals until they reach an average weight of 1,200 pounds. You estimated that it would take approximately 5 months to finish the cattle and you plan to sell the fed cattlebythe end ofNovember2016. On 01 June2016 the closing price for fed cattle in the local cash market was 130.00cents per pound. However, you are worried that the cash prices for live cattle will decrease during the November-December because of increased supply of fed cattle in the market, and you may not be able to recover the costs. So, you wanted to explore the possibility of devising a hedging strategy using CME Live Cattle Futures Contracts. Yo
Based on the material in our class readings and discussion, along with other material from the course website and your own interests, please comment on some issue in the area of policy-making and reproductive health in the US. How does the issue of gender play into the issue? Who makes most of the decisions about reproductive health policy? How are these issues complicated by the recent Zika outbreak, both here and the US and in other countries? In your answers please incorporate some discussion of the concept of reproductive justice with the idea in mind that this should include access to abortion, choice to have children, choice to parent, per Kimala Price. This module shift gears a bit, though there are plenty of issues in the area of reproductive health that connect with everything else we have learned. You may think of reproductive health as a women's concern, but actually it is a concern for all people. Here is one area where gender differences are clearly defined by sex-spec
10/31/2016 Second Exam Essay 1/2 Complete ONE of the following two essays and submit it to Canvas by 11:59pm on the day indicated in the syllabus. The essay is worth 60 points out of the 100 total for the exam. Each essay is open ended with a number of different answers. To construct an essay you must come up with an argument to answer the question and fill in the facts and details from the class to support your argument. Use all of the material from class, including the documents and instructor podcasts, do not simply copy some information out of your textbook and assume that it will be good enough to get a high grade. Additionally, restrict your information to materials from the class. Your essay is to be at least 600 words, typed, doublespaced with 12point Times New Roman font. Upload your exam as a file (Word or otherwise). Proper grammar, punctuation, syntax, etc. is a must, along with paragraphs. Wi
Pretend that someone is prepared to offer you $500,000 to make a fifty-minute documentary film on a topic of your choice (the only limitation is that the film cannot be about you) if we select a proposal that you submit. Your�separatedocument should be typed and�double-spaced, and should follow MLA style.� Please do not repeat the questions; just indicate the question number to which you are responding.� 1. What is the tentative title of your film? 2. What is your film about? Please provide a brief description (approximately one substantial paragraph). 3. Why is this topic important enough to be the subject of a film (i.e., who should care and why)? Where do you hope to screen it (e.g., movie theaters, broadcast television, cable television, direct-to-video, Internet streaming) and why? Please write about one substantial paragraph for�each�of the two parts of this question. 4. Which of the four �tendencies� of documentary film described by Michael Renov in ch. 2 of his book,�Theorizing

Integrating Waste Heat into a Steam Network for Industry

Introduction Condensate is one of the most valuable resources that can be used to considerably improve the overall efficiency of steam plant in the modern energy conscious environment (Akelaitis, 2000). In many industrial applications, steam provides an efficient and effective medium for conveying heat into several premises and processes. To ensure hot water and energy in the steam are used optimally, there must be an effective condensate recovery. According to Bisram, (2008), condensate, defined as hot and treated water obtained as steam, releases its energy is estimated to contain approximately 25% of the total useful energy initially contained in the original steam. Thus, it is important to return the condensate to the boiler as opposed to disposing it off to drain. For instance, when 100kg/hour of steam is generated and supplied either for heating industrial processes or generation of electrical power, a similar quantity of the condensate should be discharged. Condensate recovery,
Type of writing: times new roman Size: 12 Spaces 1.5 References: Harvard style       Title : Integration of sustainable life cycle management methods in project management into Oil and Gas industry.   Aim : Investigate where the implementation of SLCM methods in PM will have an impact on oil and gas industry.   Objectives: Investigate the problem statement related to the SLCM in project management. 2.Analyse the effectiveness of SLCM in project management. 3.Identfy the drivers and barriers that SLCM is experiencing. Evaluate the level of SLCM methods implemented in project management within Oil and Gas industry.     Note : The case will be Saudi Aramco Company     Drafts Dates: 6 th   November literature review and Questionnaire 11 th November methodology (including describe both quantitative and qualitative research and and the differences between them and which one is better for my thesis). 20 th November result & discussion 28 th November introduction & conclusion

Identify and discuss how robotics and automation can impact a fashion organizations workforce

kecha kucha presentation You will select a specific issue discussed from within your visual essay (i will give my visual essay in the additional files, please definitely read!!!) and use the Pecha Kucha presentation to analyse your chosen subject further. A Pecha Kucha is a presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. this is the official website of pecha kucha presentation: You can see the examples there. The images advance automatically as you talk through your presentation. You will record your narration, produce your Pecha Kucha and then submit it as a narrated video, uploading onto Vimeo. MAINLY FOCUS ON IMAGES AND CHARTS ON EACH PAGE AND GIVE ME A EXTRA WORD DOCUMENT WHICH INCLUDES THE EXPLANATION OF EACH SLIDE ABOUT 20 SECONDS SPEAKING. DO NOT NEED FISET TITLE PAGE AND LAST REFERENCE PAGE, PLEASE PUT THE REFERENCE INTO THE EXTRA WORD DOCUMENT WITH THE EXPLANATION TOGETHER! THANK YOU ! LEARNING OUTCOMES (& MARKING CRITERIA
Case Study Case 1 Discuss the immunological mechanisms that might contribute to the pathology of ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis is a form of inflammatory bowel disease characterized chronic and relapsing inflammation of the colon, generally starting from the cecum up to the rectum. A distinguishing feature of ulcerative colitis that differentiates it from other inflammatory bowel diseases is that it is only confined to the large intestine and the affected areas are distributed evenly on the top layer of the affected part of the colon. General symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea and bloody stools. Other signs and symptoms may be present depending on the location of the inflammation. For instance, anaemia is also generally observed depending on the onset and duration of the disease and the amount of blood loss during defecation. The exact of cause of inflammatory bowel disease is still unknown but an abnormalities in a person’s immunological response is considered to be
Scene Analysis The scene for analysis involves a monologue by an individual who envisions getting rich through the black market sale of gold. The individual then agrees with the tenant to mortgage his things for money to buy gold. Crows and Sparrows is a Chinese movie directed by Zheng Junli and released in 1949. The film is notable for its evident criticism of the corrupt bureaucrats in the Nationalist party. The film is therefore critical on its opposition to the corrupt nature of the Chinese ruling government at the time. The particular scene applies cinematography and editing techniques meant to empathize with the common citizen’s need to get rich, while the government officials are engaging in widespread corruption.. Analyzed below is the film’s cinematography and editing techniques used to reinforce the film’s main theme by evoking emotions directed towards empathizing with the common citizen and criticizing the level of corruption in this country. As the scene opens, the viewer

Historical Geographies Of Urbanism: making the modern city

For ONE city of your choice between c.1850 and 1950, outline the main changes that took place in the urban landscape and explain the key social, cultural, political and economic processes that underpinned those changes.
1. Have you created marketing mix models using regression analysis for clients in the United States, if so how many and what types of marketing (Consumer/B2B)? YES EXAMPLE 2. In marketing mix models, how do you account for the way that response to advertising builds and decays in consumer markets? EXAMPLES 3. What are some reasons marketers would want to invest in tactics that deliver negative ROI? WHY 4. Assume the frequency that a household purchases white milk per year is a normal distribution with a mean of 12. Over time the mean stays the same, but the variance decreases. Is this relevant to the marketing team at the dairy company? How? SOLVE 5. What tools have you used in the last 6 months to manage large data sets and build models to analyze them? Special instructions writer QUESTION 5 (Writer please list 3-5 tools/programs used in collecting large data sets and specify which models go with which tools and methods of analysis.)
Topic: Unit of Measurement (lesson 1) Aims Students will be familiarized with the different terms used to refer to the units of measurement and the international standard units used to identify units of measure. The class will also be introduced to quantities and units of measure. The following are the chief objectives the lesson intends to achieve: Students should be able to identify all symbols, operations, relation, and basic mathematical language relevant to units of measure Provide clear a concise definition of terms that will be used in the topic Students be able to identify several units of measure Students be in a position to clearly define units of measure and match them with their standard units Students will be able to predict the differences exhibited by two similar objects as presented by their differences in the measure of their quantity. Learning Outcomes Each quantity whether derived or basic has a unit of measure Some basic mathematics operations a
The objective of this assignment is to make connections between what you observe in the field and the evidenced-based practices we have been discussing in class. I recommend you take notes (during or immediately after each visit) of your fieldwork placement visits. You may find doing 2-column notes are helpful (observation + interpretation). You will begin with a brief description of your fieldwork placement to contextualize your analysis (e.g., grade of students, number of students, content area, course/type of course (AP, CP, general), whatever else may be helpful for me to know) Your analysis paper will synthesize the strengths and areas of improvement you noted in your fieldwork placement based on your observations and discussion with your mentor. Your synthesis will be evaluative-meaning, you will draw specific connections between your fieldwork placement observations and the course content/readings we have done this semester! You must cite course readings. (You need to work the c