1. Have you created marketing mix models using regression analysis for clients in the United States, if so how many and what types of marketing (Consumer/B2B)? YES EXAMPLE

2. In marketing mix models, how do you account for the way that response to advertising builds and decays in consumer markets? EXAMPLES

3. What are some reasons marketers would want to invest in tactics that deliver negative ROI? WHY

4. Assume the frequency that a household purchases white milk per year is a normal distribution with a mean of 12. Over time the mean stays the same, but the variance decreases. Is this relevant to the marketing team at the dairy company? How?
5. What tools have you used in the last 6 months to manage large data sets and build models to analyze them?
Special instructions writer QUESTION 5
(Writer please list 3-5 tools/programs used in collecting large data sets and specify which models go with which tools and methods of analysis.)


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