10/31/2016 Second Exam Essay
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Complete ONE of the following two essays and submit it to Canvas by 11:59pm on the day indicated in the syllabus. The
essay is worth 60 points out of the 100 total for the exam. Each essay is open ended with a number of different answers. To
construct an essay you must come up with an argument to answer the question and fill in the facts and details from the class
to support your argument.
Use all of the material from class, including the documents and instructor podcasts, do not simply copy some information out
of your textbook and assume that it will be good enough to get a high grade. Additionally, restrict your information to materials
from the class.
Your essay is to be at least 600 words, typed, doublespaced
with 12point
Times New Roman font. Upload your exam as a
file (Word or otherwise). Proper grammar, punctuation, syntax, etc. is a must, along with paragraphs. With that being said,
just because your essay is 600 words does not mean you will get full credit, you must thoroughly answer each part of the
Please also note that any essay under 600 words will lose points equal to the percentage that it is under the minimum before
other deductions are taken. Example a
400 word essay will start at a grade of 67%.
The possible questions:
(Write on ONE of the two essays)
1. The development of the First Party System is one of the most important events in the Early Republic according to many
historians. Being careful to include details from both parties, examine the two most important events in the development of
the system.
This class will end with a discussion of the Civil War era in American History. While that significant event in American
history did not take place until the 1860s, major trends leading to the war were present in the United States throughout the
nineteenth century. Pick the two most important developments discussed in the class so far leading to the eventual onset of
the Civil War and describe them in detail.
Note: With the second essay, you are asked to examine long term causes. Hence, you need to avoid talking about issues
brought up in chapters 1315
in your book (those are the shorter term issues and are not part of this essay).
10/31/2016 Second Exam Essay
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