
Showing posts from June, 2018

Change-Oriented Leadership

Change-Oriented Leadership Module 3 – SLP Change-Oriented Leadership: Transformational and Charismatic Leaders For the Module 3 SLP assignment you will be again be applying the concepts from the background materials to your own personal experiences. You can write about the same supervisor you wrote about in Modules 1 and 2, or choose a different supervisor that you worked with and got to know well. Carefully review the concepts and definitions of charismatic, transformational, and transactional leadership. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing the following issues using specific examples from your personal experiences: Describe a situation you experienced in the workplace when a current or past supervisor used a transformational or charismatic approach to motivate their employees. Was it effective? Describe a situation you experienced in the workplace when a current or past supervisor used a transactional approach to motivate their employees. Was it effective? Based on what

Film Studies

Film Studies Assignment For this paper, your task is to choose an object of study from the media topics we’ve discussed (Film, TV, Internet, or Video Games) and  write a 1200-1500 word essay  in which you examine and explain the significance of this object as it relates to the broader media landscape, and/or to the society in which it was produced. You may choose a film or series of films, a TV series (or an episode or two), a video game, a YouTube video or series, or anything else that interests you. The essay should include  3-5 secondary sources. Use these resources together with the knowledge you’ve gained from the class to forge a better understanding of how the text you’ve chosen fits into a broader media or societal context. Your paper should  quote liberally  from both your sources as a means of providing evidence for your paper. Requirements 1200-1500 words (INCLUDE WORD COUNT at end of paper!) Include in-text citations and Works Cited page in MLA or APA style (see a

Research study report

Research study report Research Study Report Requirements The Research Study Report is the single largest component (30 percent) of your final grade for the semester.   For that reason alone it is worthwhile spending significant amounts of time making sure you submit a high quality assignment. The draft and the final report must contain the following items. A transmittal letter or memorandum, as appropriate. Title page A Table of Contents that shows all the headings and subheadings contained in the body of the report and the correct page number where each heading and subheading appears in the text of the report. A List of Figures containing the figure number and title of each graphic insert with the correct page number. Page numbers on all pages except the transmittal letter/memorandum and the title page. All pages prior to the Introduction will be in Roman numerals.   All other page numbers will be in Arabic numerals An executive summary. Headings and subheadi

Story on human rights being abused

Story on human rights being abused Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Story on human rights being abused appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Synthesis essay

WRTG 391 Your synthesis essay should be organized in the following manner: •Introduction: Write one or two paragraphs in which you introduce the reader to your topic. •Body-the categories into which you are dividing the literature: Divide your sources into a few categories. A suggestion is that you divide them into three to five categories. •Conclusion: Summarize what the literature says on your topic. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Synthesis essay appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Summary of Research Study Findings

WRTG 391 Summary of Research Study Findings The first assignment for this class, the Summary of Research Study Findings, helps get you started in finding scholarly articles and, specifically, research studies. In this assignment, you will find four articles from scholarly journals. Each of them will report on a research study. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Summary of Research Study Findings appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Note-Taker Organizer

Note-Taker Organizer There are four reading research initiatives that have informed current practices in literacy education:  Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science ,  The National Reading Panel Report ,  Every Child Reading , and  Putting Reading First . Each of the  Core Readings  is listed below. As you read each report, complete the  Reading Research Notetaker g raphic organizer. Putting Reading First (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Every Child Reading (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science Report of the National Reading Panel (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Note-Taker Organizer appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRI

Personality factors

 Personality factors 4-5 page paper that examines the influences of traits—such as trait theory—and biology—such as temperament—on personality development. Answer the following questions in your paper: How does the gene-environment interaction influence personality? Is culture a factor in personality expression? What do twin studies show us about the inheritability of personality? What characteristics of temperament are stable over time and contribute to our adult personality? Are specific characteristics consistent over situation and over time? Include an explanation of how the following personality models may be adapted to account for variation in the personal, societal, and cultural factors discussed in your paper: Biological model Five-factor trait theory Temperament model of personality Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Personality factors appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from Eli

Future need for Project, Program and Portfolio managers

Future need for Project, Program and Portfolio managers TOPIC-  Future need for Project, Program and Portfolio managers. 10-15 pages (including title and reference pages and slide notes) At least six supporting citations and references. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Future need for Project, Program and Portfolio managers appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM


INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS ANALYTICS ASSIGNMENT INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS ANALYTICS ASSIGNMENT  Write a two-page paper that identifies three companies in the retail business that have been using big data. Explain how big data is helping these companies improve the efficacy of their operations. ( Hint: Refer to Chapter 1 and Chapter 3 for information on big data) The following are guidelines to the required format: Should not be in question and answer format, but rather embody and use the question as a guide to forming the analysis Use paragraphs to present analyses, providing information to answer the question Double spaced; any headings should be bolded ;cite all references using standard MLA or APA writing styles Paper should be written in Microsoft Word and place the following heading on the top left corner of the word document Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post INDIVIDUAL BUSINESS ANALYTICS ASSIGNMENT appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWri

Business Statistics

  Business Statistics For this problem, note the following chart: Age Group (in years) % of Population in Age Group Influenza Rate per 1,000 person-years   CITY A CITY B CITY C Massachusetts CITY A CITY B CITY C YOUNG 40% 50% 80% 60% 2 10 30 OLD 60% 50% 20% 40% 70 110 5 There are 10,000 individuals in City A, which is located in Massachusetts. Eight young individuals and 420 old individuals develop the flu over the course of a year. Use these data to calculate the crude influenza rate per 1,000 individuals per years in City A. What is the crude rate of influenza in City B? What is the crude rate of influenza in City C? Calculate an age-adjusted influenza rate for each of the cities. Use the age distribution for the State of Massachusetts (shown in the table) as the standard.   QUESTION 2 Recently, Australian researchers conducted a study of the relationship between optimism and colon cancer survival. Their hypothesis was that


Short Essay Please read Richard McNaughton’s Assessment of Vietnam (Link: ) . Consider the following question and write a 250 word (1 page) response:  According to the textbook, was McNaughton’s assessment of the war in Vietnam correct, at that time? This is a formal essay; please review the rubric in the Course Documents folder. See file upload files for the textbook and the rubric. Follow the paper format on this link:   Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Essay appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Stereotypes in Media

Stereotypes in Media Please cite answers with APA 1 Explain these two terms: the glass ceiling and the glass cliff. 2 Explain Ziegler and White’s (1990) findings on racism in use of sources on network news. 3 Explain the concept known as the distinctiveness postulate as it relates to the media. 4 How does cultivation analysis relate to television viewing and young girls’ beliefs about beauty? 5 How do children acquire prejudice? 6 Describe the portrayal of African Americans in crime coverage on network news. How does is contrast to portrayal of whites? 7 What were the results of the “Racial Minorities as Sources” study? Explain the role of incognizant racism in your answer. 8 Explain the concept of social identity theory. 9 Give an example from the film Sexual Stereotypes of how television programming has become more accepting of gay people. 10 Discuss female rappers use of misogynistic language. 11 What are your experiences with media stereotypes? Do your experiences al


Essay The essay for this lesson is required to be 1,000-1,500-words and clearly demonstrate your understanding of the prompt. Essays should be 5 or more paragraphs with a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format ( ). When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible location and submit a copy to your instructor below using the Submit Paper link. You may select from one of the following prompts: Discuss gender stereotyping, with references to portrayals of gender in the media. Analyze some of the origins of prejudice and discuss how the media can contribute to ingrained prejudice. Use examples from film, television, Internet media, print media, or advertising. Examine racial stereotyping and prejudice, with references to specific portrayals in the media. Include specific examples from materials you covered in this lesson. Analyze the messages conveyed in the media to young girls (from kindergarte


Blog on Happiness Final blog on happiness. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Blog appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates Review the  International Exchange Rate Conversions Presentation (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  from Wisc-Online and  Current Exchange Rates (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  from X-Rates. Plot a graph of the American Dollar versus the Euro over the past year (or 120 days) and answer the following questions: What has happened to the US Dollar versus the Euro over this period? What has been the effect on foreign imports into the United States? What has been the effect on US exports? Submit graph along with responses in a Microsoft Word document or a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Exchange Rates appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our

Short Assignment

Two Part Short Assignment Part One: Answer any 5 of the following (less than 200 words per answer). You must provide a definition of the term or theory, and then provide one example of it that demonstrates an accurate understanding of it. Capitalism The Invisible Hand Sexual Harassment Virtue Ethics Ethics of Care Consequentialism Utilitarianism Kantian Ethics Part Two: Write a short essay answer (250-400 words). It is based on readings from the assigned modules. Explain your answer as carefully as you can, and in your own words.  No direct quoting from the course modules or readings is allowed, but you can provide references. – Explain the connection between views of essentialism about gender and the incidence of sexual harassment in the workplace. Style: You must provide sources in Part Two from the online lectures and assigned readings. Please use any standard referencing style, and use it consistently. You should have in-text citations for any direct quotes, or a


Psycho hypothesis essay Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post PSYCHO HYPOTHESIS ESSAY appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Business Finance Class – Summer 2018

Business Finance Class – Summer 2018 The following information and guidelines apply for the assignments. * Do not plagiarize any of your work in this class. Failure to comply with this instruction will result in a grade reduction that may lead to the student earning an “F” for the course. * The assignment should be prepared in MS-WORD and submitted as a single attachment for each Turnitin assignment. This means the entire assignment submission should be in a single WORD document. If you need to imbed an EXCEL spreadsheet, you should copy and paste it as a picture to your WORD document. * Each assignment submission should contain a cover page as the first page and it should include: Student’s Name Name of the Course (FIN 3063 – Business Finance) Assignment # Date of assignment submission * Show all calculations for problems. Failure to show calculation will result in a grade reduction. * Make your answers clear, easy to read, and easy to follow. * Double space the text.  Use

Summer Reading Project

Summer Reading Project Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Summer Reading Project appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM