Business Finance Class – Summer 2018

Business Finance Class – Summer 2018

The following information and guidelines apply for the assignments.

* Do not plagiarize any of your work in this class. Failure to comply with this instruction will result in a grade reduction that may lead to the student earning an “F” for the course.

* The assignment should be prepared in MS-WORD and submitted as a single attachment for each Turnitin assignment. This means the entire assignment submission should be in a single WORD document. If you need to imbed an EXCEL spreadsheet, you should copy and paste it as a picture to your WORD document.

* Each assignment submission should contain a cover page as the first page and it should include:

Student’s Name

Name of the Course (FIN 3063 – Business Finance)

Assignment #

Date of assignment submission

* Show all calculations for problems. Failure to show calculation will result in a grade reduction.

* Make your answers clear, easy to read, and easy to follow.

* Double space the text.  Use 12 point, times new roman font.  Set all borders at 1”.  Indent paragraphs.

* Check your spelling and grammar. Write clearly and use complete sentences when answering questions.

* Your submitted work should be your own. The assignments are not group assignments.

* For Discussion Questions, your answers should be in your own words. DO NOT COPY answers from the text or other sources to answer the questions. If you use a very limited quote in your answer, you must include an in-text citation. However, I prefer that you not use any quotes when answering the questions.

* It is recommended that you complete each assignment early and submit it early to avoid any problems with illness, scheduling conflicts, computer issues, etc. that would cause you to get a “0” if you are not able to submit the assignment by the deadline.

* I will not grade answers that are handwritten and/or scanned. Handwriting and/or scanning answers will result in a grade of “0”

* Submit your work in Blackboard on or before the due date. Any work submitted via email will be subject to a 20% grade reduction. Any work submitted late must be approved by the Instructor and will be subject to a 20% grade reduction.


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