
Showing posts from April, 2018


Literature Assignment: Choose one of the works of literature that we have read this semester and write an essay that makes an argument for what you believe to be the theme of that work. In other words, you want your essay to argue about your interpretation of the text and what that particular text communicates to the reader. You may wish to consider what the text communicates about issues of gender, race, ethnicity, democracy, art, war, individualism, family values, religion, nature, etc. Your essay should NOT be a summary of the text. *You may wish to compare/contrast two works that share a similar theme. This is fine and you may use any works we′ve read all semester; however, you want to make an argument about what the common theme is and how each of the texts develops that theme. Brainstorming: Consider the following questions to help you get started. What is the larger lesson/moral? What should the reader have gained from reading the text you’ve chosen? How does this theme or mora

Ahmed mater mecca journeys

  Ahmed mater mecca journeys Produce a reviewof the exhibits of ″Ahmed Mater:Mecca Journeys at the Brooklyn Museum Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Ahmed mater mecca journeys appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Gun Control

After the recent heartbreaking mass shootings, the gun control debate has reached its boiling point.Gun Control Argumentative Essay + Research Paper Example) Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Gun Control appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

How to become a better student

How to become a better student Becoming a better student is a wide and expansive topic that demands an in depth insight to the things that assessors use to determine whether a student is better. In this task, write an essay demonstrating what makes a student better. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post How to become a better student appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr A brief biographical sketch of the author so the reader can get a sense of who the speaker is and what ideologies, philosophies, areas of expertise, etcetera. Inform his/her writing. This may require a little research on your part. Briefly summarize the text and identify its central argument. For some of the texts, this will be more difficult than it sounds as their arguments are fairly subtle. · Identify the intended audience of the text using specific details to support your claim. Identify and evaluate the methods of persuasion the author uses (Pathos, Ethos, Logos) and which are most effective. Identify the larger context of the argument. What academic conversations does it invoke, challenge, or complicate? Analyze your reading of the text. How do your experiences, discourse communities, and/or attitude towards the subject matter affect your reading of the text? · Provide your overall assessment of the argument, identifying how it may

Health care and Retirement

Health care and Retirement Proposal This paper needs to be written in APA format. Please look at the previous memorandum and progress report for information input towards the paper. Scenario: From: Vice President, Avionics Horizons Subject: Health insurance and retirement plan proposal. As you know, the annual job fair is almost upon us, and this time, I am the one who is expected to recruit potential employees. One of the major concerns that prospective applicants voiced last year was that we did not offer either health insurance or retirement plans. I have therefore decided that we make such plans available to our present and future employees, and for this purpose, I would like you to research the two topics and then produce a document that will meet the following criteria: 1) it makes a persuasive case that we need healthcare and retirement plans to improve working conditions and the profitability of our company, 2) it offers an introduction to the different types of plans that are

Difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion

The difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion write the difference between Fission and Fusion, Everyday examples of Fission and will explore Fusion in stars through the life cycle of a star. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

The Unfairness of the Judicial System against Blacks

The Unfairness of the Judicial System against Blacks Desсrіption: In this assignment, you will write three to four body paragraphs according to the form that is explained in ″Lesson 3: The Body Paragraphs.″ The following requirements must be included in the assignment: Body Paragraphs: You will construct three to four paragraphs comprised of five to seven sentences each. Each paragraph should be between 150-200 words. At a minimum, this portion of the paper should be around 450-600 words (for three to four paragraphs); a body section of this length will meet the minimum requirements of the assignment. The following components must be included in each body paragraph (in the following order). Sentence 1: Point/reason sentence: This topic sentence will contain one of your reasons. Sentence 2: Explanation: In this sentence, you provide information that further develops or explains Sentence 1. Sentence 3: Illustration: This sentence introduces evidence that supports the reason that is pres

Nazi Empire

Nazi Empire Your essay will be 8 to 10 pages long, and you will be synthesizing examples from literature, popular culture, and your historical research to illustrate some theme or idea about empires, imperialism, and colonizing. Find some universal idea that you wish to discuss and address: the cruel and evil nature of Man, Man’s ability and design to rebel and revolt against what is wrong, Man’s desire for power, etc. Using your novel will probably be the best way to incorporate literature, we watched Amazing Grace in class and will watch District 9 to see how mainstream cinema addresses colonization, and you need to research one specific empire from history. Your goal is to show how empires throughout time have similarities despite their time period or place of origin; at the same time, you will find the smaller ways that empires are different. Your body paragraphs/main ideas will be based on the themes and ideas that postcolonialism explores (listed in your notes on Blackboard). So

Healthcare Policy Analysis Paper

Healthcare Policy Analysis Paper Your Policy Paper, including your Works Cited page. It is expected that the final version of your Healthcare Policy Analysis Paper will be 8-10 pages in length, with 6-8 sources identified. Your paper should be 12-pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced, with standard margins. You should have a thesis statement in your introduction identifying the legislation/policy that your paper will be addressing. APA in-text citation is required in addition to listing all of your sources on a Works Cited Page at the end of the document. Your grade will be affected if you do not cite or identify your sources correctly. Below is a list of questions that should be addressed in the body of your paper. What is the legislation/policy that will be analyzed in this paper? What is the problem/issue that this legislation attempts to address? What is the history of the legislation? Has (or will) the legislation been effective in addressing the problem or issue? What group(s)

Similarities and differences between Montag in Fahrenheit 451 and The island movie, Lincoln.

Similarities and differences between Montag in Fahrenheit 451 and The island movie, Lincoln. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Similarities and differences between Montag in Fahrenheit 451 and The island movie, Lincoln. appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Essay in English. St. Petersburg in the Russian Literature

Essay in English. St. Petersburg in the Russian Literature The Petersburg Text Essay Topics Length: 4,000 words (including notes and excluding bibliography). Formatting requirements: font Times New Roman; 12 p.; single spaced; number all pages; indicate word count. Secondary sources: You need to use between 10 and 15 secondary sources. Due date: the first Monday of Term Choose one of the following topics: 1) In the “Bronze Horseman,” Pushkin provides a dichotomist (utopian vs. apocalyptic) reading of the Petersburg myth. Examine the evolution of both approaches throughout the 19th – early 20th cc. Focus on the texts of THREE other authors in more detail. 2) Discuss Bely’s novel as a modernist text that sums up, concludes and transforms the Petersburg mythos of the classical period, as articulated in Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy. 3) “Partially to imitate that which is perfect is to spoil it. We should either strictly copy the model, or invent altogether”. Custine suggests th

Hanif Abdurraqib′s poem, ″The Crown Ain′t Worth Much

Hanif Abdurraqib′s poem, ″The Crown Ain′t Worth Much What I remember, you′re interested in doing a close reading of Hanif Abdurraqib′s poem, ″The Crown Ain′t Worth Much.″ My suggestion to you was to complete a close reading and then find some common themes or motifs in your interpretations. For example – does a set of metaphors, or a type of meter, or a part of the poem′s diction speak, to one idea that you can identify? That thing that you identify can be the focus of your thesis statement. You′ll use the diction, metaphor, meter, or whatever to defend that thesis statement. Also, you have to read and watch the poem its on youtube Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Hanif Abdurraqib′s poem, ″The Crown Ain′t Worth Much appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM TH

using problem based learning technique to teach stress management for ICU nurses

using problem based learning technique to teach stress management for ICU nurses The main purpose of this research proposal that I want to change the practice in my hospital where they educate nurses using lecturer. Type, I want to introduce problem based learning to teach them about stress management. Specially in ICU department, this is the purpose of this research proposal I have attached the requirements and the structural of the research as requested. Please read line Saturday morning if u can finish it within 24 hours that would be great Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post using problem based learning technique to teach stress management for ICU nurses appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Dietary Analysis Project-Part II: Analyzing Intakes

Dietary Analysis Project-Part II: Analyzing Intakes   Please submit Part II of the Dietary Analysis Project: Analyzing Intakes here. You should take time this week to review and compose Part II of the Dietary Analysis Project: Analyzing Intakes. This is will only be submitted for feedback purposes this week. The due date for Part II of the project is Sunday at 11:59 p.m., eastern time. Note: This may be submitted as a Word document if you have not yet started to combine this into a powerpoint or other medium. Note: If needed, please refer to the full project details in Week 3. Part II: Analyzing Intakes Analysis This image  from the USDA comprises public domain material. Go to and select “Create a Profile.” You will need to set up a new profile (and a free account to go along with it so you can access it again later). Even if you have a login for your own account, please create a new one so that the profile matches that of the person who was

Theology Research paper

Theology Research paper The final research paper you have to do consists of two parts the first part is just a one paper proposal and bibliography, which is due on Tuesday April 10th. The other part is the paper which is due May 1st. The research paper you have to do should be 15 pages (double-spaced, 12p, Times new roman font). You will need to choose a topic related to an overarching theme of the course. Please choose 6 sources, scholarly articles or books of your choice, but must ensure they are related to theology. I uploaded a detailed guidelines about the paper it includes all the books we went over in class and you can choose from them as your sources. Please don’t forget about the one page paper proposal and bibliography due on April 10th  Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Theology Research paper appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLIC

lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender

lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Who are LGBT)? 1. Students are encouraged to select a group they find offensive, a group for whom they have pity, or a group that conflicts with deeply held beliefs. 2. Conduct research on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender a. Research information about the group. b. Find a first-person narrative written by someone from the identified group – these can be Internet sources. 3. Write a 4-5 page paper that addresses the following points: • Briefly summarize your research on LGBT community. (Properly cite all sources in APA format.) • Discuss the factors that made or make this group difficult or uncomfortable for you. • Discuss your reaction to what you learned about this population. 4. Did your attitude change? Explain your response. • Discuss how you will work with an individual from this population. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender appeared first on Elit

Animal science

Animal science Write a 2-page (maximum) paper 12-point font, 1 margins – expressing and justifying your response to the one of the possible case studies provided on Carmen for this assignment. No references are needed unless you want to include them to add to the strength of your argument. Prepare columns/rows below and list your points under each heading so that the paper is organized in blocks (see set up below). This can be done as a Word document (use insert table if helpful) or even in an Excel sheet. Please use full sentences to make your points clear. Use complete Sentences. You can use bullets points. Possible Format Current Situation Advantages Disadvantages Proposed Change Advantages Disadvantages Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Animal science appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT PrimeWritersBay.c

Case study Analysis

Case study Paragraph 1 : Provide a brief summary of the article. What are the purposes of the reading? What does the author seem to be trying to accomplish? What point of view or perspective does the reading seem to take or promote? What questions does it raise but leave unanswered? Paragraph 2: Identify and describe major ethical dilemma that appear in the article-including who is affected by the issue and how. Paragraph 3:  What are the ethical issues that appear in the article which are representative of the 4 ethical principles – give a specific example from the article for each ethical principle you identify of how it is represented in the article. Using your own words include a description of what the ethical principles are, using examples explain how it is presented in the article.  Paragraph 4:   Is the reading relatively clear or unclear, deep or superficial, strong or weak, insightful and complex or simple and biased? How is the reading similar to other source

education article

education article Identify in one or more sentences the object, observation, or phenomenon of focus for this report; in addition to your brief identification of the phenomenon explain how or where you observe(d) it.  (If you use an item such as a news story located online, insert the relevant URLs here.  If observed describe the phenomenon in a brief discussion.): Provide a paragraph of discussion regarding what you found interesting or remarkable about the object, observation, or phenomenon identified above: Provide a paragraph of discussion that ties the object, observation, or phenomenon identified above to course materials (other readings, discussions, films, etc.) and concepts (e.g., from glossaries, etc.).  Use at least one term from each glossary handout associated with the segment (discipline based glossary[-ies] plus the segment’s additional terms/concepts glossary referring to class readings and materials.  Please be overt in these linkages by underlining each glossary ter

Strategic Management

Strategic Management How would you pay a manager based on short-term and long-term objectives? Give the steps of the strategic management process or model? (from Fred R. David) Name 3 non-financial tangible benefits that strategic management offers to companies? What are the 5 categories of EXTERNAL factors? Name the Five forces model of Porter that is used for developing strategies? What is the purpose of Porter’s Model? What is meant by “Horizontal Integration”? Name 2 of the 6 guidelines for a business to use DIVERSIFICATION strategy? What are the 3 defensive strategies? Why can Porter’s DIFFERENTATION strategy be dangerous? What is a Joint Venture? What is our business? What question goes with ‘Vision Statement’? What do we want to become? What are other forms of “cooperative arrangements”? What 4 strategies can come from a TOWS matrix? Why do organizations use BCG-matrix? What is one positive feature of QSPM? What is one negative feature of QSPM? Draw a CPM (Cr

Strategic Management Final

Strategic Management Final Define strategic management. Define the strategy Enumerate some characteristics of strategic management. What specific entrepreneurial aspects include the strategy formation process? What involves the strategic management function? Which are the steps of strategic management? How is strategy formulation process referred sometimes? What involves the strategy implementation? Which are the components of strategic management? What is a strategic mission? What is formulating a strategy reveal? What means strategy implementation and execution? Enumerate the most important strategic objectives. What does strategy formulation involve? Which are the characteristics of the strategic management process?   Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Strategic Management Final appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE

AP World History (1500- 1750 C.E)

AP World History (1500- 1750 C.E) Page 1- CCOT: Analyze continuities and changes in ways Latin America and the Caribbean participated in interregional trade during the period circa 1500 to 1750. Page 2- Comparison: Compare the social and political importance of Peter the Great on Russia and Tokugawa Ieyasu on Japan. Page 3- I added this page to allow 825 words to give space, I expect no less than 700 words. ***Include Evidence/Analysis for both **I have also included my work below, make it sound like me. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post AP World History (1500- 1750 C.E) appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM
Comparative essay Please write a comparative essay about who you used to be and who you′re becoming. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Access of Care

Access of Care Assignment Access of Care Assignment Directions: Completely answer each question below. In your answer, utilize evidence (cite and reference sources) and/or examples. All answers should be more than 50 words. 1) What is access of care? 2) How does service availability affect access of care? 3) How do affordability, physical accessibility (delivery), and acceptability (quality) of services affect access of care? 4) What are some barriers to access of care? 5) How is equity of access measured? Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Access of Care appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM