

Assignment: Choose one of the works of literature that we have read this semester and write an essay that makes an argument for what you believe to be the theme of that work. In other words, you want your essay to argue about your interpretation of the text and what that particular text communicates to the reader. You may wish to consider what the text communicates about issues of gender, race, ethnicity, democracy, art, war, individualism, family values, religion, nature, etc. Your essay should NOT be a summary of the text. *You may wish to compare/contrast two works that share a similar theme. This is fine and you may use any works we′ve read all semester; however, you want to make an argument about what the common theme is and how each of the texts develops that theme. Brainstorming: Consider the following questions to help you get started. What is the larger lesson/moral? What should the reader have gained from reading the text you’ve chosen? How does this theme or moral speak to the historical or cultural events that were occurring when it was produced? Is this theme still relevant today? The text will serve as your primary source and you should use direct quotations from the text as evidence for your argument. You will also need to use at least one secondary source from an academic or peer-reviewed journal. *If you choose to compare/contrast two works, you should use two sources. The secondary sources are accessible from the SPC Databases. You may want to review the SPC Library Guide to Literary Analysis. If prompted to enter a user id and password, enter your student number and the last four digits of your social security number. Although you can make any argument you would like about your text, the goal is to make sure that argument is supported in the body paragraphs with evidence from both the primary and secondary sources. You want to avoid extended plot summary in the body of the essay; instead, you should briefly summarize in the introductory paragraph only. You may also want to keep in mind the literary devices we’ve discussed as possible points of discussion. Requirements: The final draft must be submitted to the dropbox in the Final Research Essay folder by 11:59 pm. Essays should be double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12pt font, and in MLA format. You must include in-text citations from both your primary and secondary sources. These citations should be in MLA format. You must include a Works Cited page in MLA format. Your essay must be a minimum of 1000 words and five paragraphs. Your thesis statement must be arguable and appear as the last sentence of your introductory paragraph.

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