education article

education article

Identify in one or more sentences the object, observation, or phenomenon of focus for this report; in addition to your brief identification of the phenomenon explain how or where you observe(d) it.  (If you use an item such as a news story located online, insert the relevant URLs here.  If observed describe the phenomenon in a brief discussion.):

Provide a paragraph of discussion regarding what you found interesting or remarkable about the object, observation, or phenomenon identified above:

Provide a paragraph of discussion that ties the object, observation, or phenomenon identified above to course materials (other readings, discussions, films, etc.) and concepts (e.g., from glossaries, etc.).  Use at least one term from each glossary handout associated with the segment (discipline based glossary[-ies] plus the segment’s additional terms/concepts glossary referring to class readings and materials.  Please be overt in these linkages by underlining each glossary term or reading/concept from class to draw it to obvious attention to the glossary term in question.  In addition, place in parentheses a brief call-out of the specific glossary from which the term was taken—for instance “(discipline based glossary, history)” or “(Segment I glossary of additional terms)” would be good examples of how to do this call-out.

Provide a paragraph-long discussion about the relevance of the object, observation, or phenomenon identified above to contemporary teaching/learning and the professional practice of teachers:

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