How is communication different in this online learning environment than a traditional classroom? How do you adjust to this communication channel?

Assignment Expectations:

600 - 750 words
no title or reference page required
address each question in a numbered list
no references required other than the citation for the article
save your assignment as a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx), Open Office (.odt) or rich text format (.rtf) file type
submit your assignment to the Drop Box

Application Analysis: Online Communication

This week you will analyze an article published by the University of Illinois that illustrates how to create an online course that promotes communication and collaboration.  Parts may look familiar to what you have experienced so far.   Click the following article link:   LINK

The article discusses ten instructional strategies from traditional classrooms that can be used in online learning.

1) Summarize the 5 strategies that are used in this course: (discussion, self-directed learning, small group work, project, and collaborative learning) 

2) Describe how they are used in the course.

3) How is communication different in this online learning environment than a traditional classroom?  How do you adjust to this communication channel?


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