read description can come one make the power point for me and what to say

Topic:  Questionable Communication

Points:  100

Due Date:  Sunday, December 4 by midnight.

Late Policy:  Will be accepted until midnight, December 11th and will incur a 20% automatic late penalty.

The purpose of the assignment is to present to a mixed audience of your colleagues and supervisors. You will present on questionable communication. Consider including your definition of questionable communication, perhaps providing an example, arguing both for and against its use, then suggesting an action (ask for commitment to refrain from similar communications, suggest further training for transparency or sensitivity to a broad audience or even just ask for consideration in future communications).

You will be graded on your PPT and your presentation skills.

You are composing a PowerPoint presentation for information and review (Not more than 3 slides). Make sure the PowerPoint is uploaded to Media Share (This is within the MyBCommLab), along with your video. The PPT does not actually have to be in your video, but it must be submitted.

Prepare a video presentation (approx. 3 minutes.), based on a piece of questionable communication (Just as you did before in Week 2 and yes, you can use the same questionable communication topic you used in Week 2). Video should not be over 3 minutes long. You must appear in the video—I need to see you, the entire time, while you are presenting.

Present (3 slides—if you want to show the slides, you could point to your slides, etc./3 minutes) to a mixed audience (age, experience, background, education, etc.). Include (In your slides and presentation) the items below…

Introductory (name, title, purpose, etc.)
Your definition of a questionable communication
Example and argument for and against use of
Suggest actions
Verbal delivery tone, rate of speech, eye contact, dress, etc. are still important, although a video will be used

Please save your video as Week14PresentationLastnameFirstname. (Example:  Week14PresentationPeakTonya)

The link below will take you to the Pearson MyBCommLab site. You should have already registered. The registration information is included in the course, under the course home tab and within Doc Sharing.

After logging in:

1.    Click on the MGT303 Business Communicationsw/Tonya Peak

2.    Click on “MediaShare for Business”

3.    Click on “Access MediaShare for Business”

You will see an assignment called Week 14 Presentation Assignment. Click the Week 14 Presentation Assignment hyperlink. You will be asked to upload your video. Please confirm your video and PowerPoint have been uploaded before clicking save and logging out.

Presentation Rubric (The complete rubric is loaded and viewable in the dropbox/gradebook/Doc Sharing for this assignment):


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