Assignment 5: Final Project

Assignment 5: Final Project


*IMPORTANT Note* Large firms will often run multiple campaigns simultaneously. For example, Geico is notorious for running the Cavemen, the Gecko, the Eyeballs, and Pigs campaigns at the same time. I want you to pick a campaign that is obviously a single campaign. I have had students try to tackle Pepsi or Coke as an entire brand. I do not want you to analyze a brand. I want you to analyze a single campaign. Also, there are campaigns out there that are NOT integrated. I do not want you to pick one of those. I want you to pick a campaign that has obvious integrated elements in multiple channels.

Part 1: Identify Integrated Campaign

300-500 words plus links and screenshots

I would like you to identify and describe a current or recent media campaign that is currently using at least three channels to reach their consumers via integratedmarketing communications. By recent, I mean the campaign needs to have run within the current calendar year. Include screenshots and links to the actual media. I would suggest starting with a campaign you know has a commercial and a print ad. The third channel may be a bit more difficult to find, but it may be in the form of radio, outdoor advertising, direct mail, public relations, sponsored events, publicity, product placement, partnerships with other products, guerilla marketing, or other marketing channel. Give a brief description of each along with the screenshot or web-link. If you cannot find it online (radio ad, guerilla advertising, outdoor media) give a more detailed description, script, or take a picture.

Part 2: Identify Themes

200-300 words

Once you have identified an integrated campaign, I need you to tell me HOW it is integrated. How is the advertising agency linking the three different advertising channels/methods into a cohesive message to their consumers? What IS the overall message of the campaign? How are they getting the same message across with different media?  Please be as detailed as possible in your analysis of the integration and identification of themes (major selling ideas, slogans, unique selling propositions, brand image, repetition of copy elements, etc). Chapter 8 may be helpful here (p. 276).

Part 3: Positioning

200-300 words

Then, identify which positioning strategies (or strategy) the firm is taking with their brand in this specific campaign. Chapter 2 will be useful for this part (p. 56). Explain how these strategies may be working with the brand’s current image in the marketplace. If it is different than you would typically expect to see from that brand, maybe they are repositioning.

Part 4: Source Factors

300-500 words

Has the firm used a spokesperson, personality symbol, or cultural symbol to communicate the campaign message? If so, who have they used. Analyze their credibility, attractiveness, power, expertise and other source factors. Chapter 6 will be helpful here (p. 181). If they have not used a familiar source, have they used an unknown model? Analyze their attractiveness (likability, familiarity, and similarity). Also think about overshadowing and overexposure. If there is no model at all, then the brand is acting as the source. You can still complete some of the analysis in terms of credibility, likability, trustworthiness, and so on.

Part 5: Appeals and Execution

400-600 words

What type of advertising appeal(s) are being used by the firm in this campaign. Using the three different media you have selected, explain how each one is using the execution style(s) to catch the attention of the consumer. There will probably be multiple execution styles. Chapter 9 will be a good resource for this section (pp. 293, 302). If there is something especially creative about how your brand is being advertised, here would be a place to discuss it. Please be very thorough in explaining how each of these tactics are being used in your campaign.

Part 6: Evaluation

150-200 words

I want you to summarize how all of the marketing decisions made above are working together to achieve an objective for the firm. You may not know exactly what the objective is, per say. But it may be obvious from the firm’s advertising and promotional activities what their goals are. You should be able to tell if they are trying to improve their image, increase sales, promote certain attributes, and so on. You may even be able to find a press release on the firm’s corporate website. For example, Toyota and BP both had some major publicity issues in the past few years and had a lot of trust building to accomplish to gain back marketshare. Try to find out what your firm is trying to accomplish with their IMC campaign and analyze how well you think they are achieving their goals. Any information you find here will need to be supported with a citation.

Part 7: Recommendations

200-400 words

As a conclusion to your report, think about how your firm could improve or extend their IMC campaign. What other channels or media could they use to complement their current campaign? Is there a source or creative tactic that might improve their communications? Think about some of the less obvious ways to reach customers. Is there anything about what they are currently doing that could be changed or improved. Use the text and other resources to support your argument. You might find some creative ideas here:

**Saying there is nothing you would change about the campaign because the company is doing a great job is not an acceptable answer. Think of something.



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