
Showing posts from December, 2020

Isues surrounding life and death. Define advance directives available to patients

  Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: Explain issues surrounding life and death. Define advance directives available to patients. Apply legal principles of advance directives. Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment: HS101-2: Discuss federal and state health care regulations. Instructions: Your Assignments in this course will take you through "A Day in the Life" of a healthcare professional. You will be given the opportunity to apply the concepts that you have learned throughout the course to a variety of situations that a healthcare professional might face. In addition to the grading standards found in the Syllabus, projects will also be graded on accuracy and application of course materials. Each answer should be at least 1 paragraph in length, including supporting facts from the textbook and references. Directions: Read the case study. Respond to the questions that correspond to the scenario and upload to the appropriate Dropbox. Each question should be answer

Scathing Justice Department report after the 2014 killing of Laquan McDonald

  In 2017, the City of Chicago made sweeping changes to its use of force policies following a scathing Justice Department report after the 2014 killing of Laquan McDonald. The report stated that the city routinely violated the constitutional rights of residents. After reading the article below, which is a required unit resource for this unit, and after taking into consideration the current issues being faced by Chicago law enforcement, do you think the policy changes are effective and are helping to protect the community and the Chicago law enforcement officers? Why, or why not? Jackman, T. (2017, May 17). Chicago police adopt de-escalation in sweeping change to use-of-force policy. Washington Post. Retrieved from Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at   CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER CO

Artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization, surrogacy

  1.  Choose one method of assisted reproduction (e.g., artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization, surrogacy, etc.) and provide a definition of this method. Identify the legal or ethical issues surrounding this type of assisted reproduction. Using the internet as your source, find a recent case in which this type of assisted reproduction caused legal problems. Summarize this case and share your opinions with the class. Be sure to cite your source. 2.  Safety is very important in healthcare settings. Share one example of a way that you can protect yourself in healthcare settings. What challenges do you think most healthcare professionals will face regarding safety in the workplace? Be sure to include references. 3.   Most healthcare facilities now utilize an electronic medical record. Using the textbook and internet, research the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH).  Summarize the Act and how it affects both patients and healthcare professio

Analyze your team by considering its level of emotional intelligence (EI)

  Analyzing the Team Last week, you began to analyze your team by considering its level of emotional intelligence (EI). You also considered the communication style of both the team and leader. You will continue analyzing the team and its leaders by using the concepts that we have studied this week. Consider the following categories and answer the questions: Values What are the common values team members' shares? How do these common values help the leader? Are there any shared team values, which, if present hinder the team's performance? Justify. Are there any shared values missing which if present would enable higher team performance? Is the leader a value-based leader? Justify. What action steps would enhance the shared values of the team? EI How would you analyze the leader of the team using the four EI dimensions (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management)? What competencies does the leader have that are strengths? What competencies might

City of Chicago made sweeping changes to its use of force policies

  In 2017, the City of Chicago made sweeping changes to its use of force policies following a scathing Justice Department report after the 2014 killing of Laquan McDonald. The report stated that the city routinely violated the constitutional rights of residents. After reading the article below, which is a required unit resource for this unit, and after taking into consideration the current issues being faced by Chicago law enforcement, do you think the policy changes are effective and are helping to protect the community and the Chicago law enforcement officers? Why, or why not? Jackman, T. (2017, May 17). Chicago police adopt de-escalation in sweeping change to use-of-force policy. Washington Post. Retrieved from Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at   CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER CO

share of growth from the highly lucrative and evolving e-commerce landscape, businesses are under a lot of pressure to devise e-commerce strategies that are effective.

  Topic 1: E-commerce This week is all about E-commerce.   Discussion: E-commerce is a natural byproduct of an Interconnected world. In order to claim their share of growth from the highly lucrative and evolving e-commerce landscape, businesses are under a lot of pressure to devise e-commerce strategies that are effective. Question #1:  Select and respond to  ONE  of the following questions.  Please specify which of the questions you are answering by including the question number as the title of your response. For instance, Topic 1: Question 3 Describe at least  THREE  marketing ideas that could improve the growth of businesses. Discuss at least  THREE  pros and cons of E-commerce for the consumer. Discuss at least  THREE  pros and cons of E-commerce for businesses. What are the driving factors that have resulted in the growth of E-commerce within the last decade? How has the increase in E-commerce changed the way in which products and services are marketed? Do you believe that social