
Showing posts from August, 2018

Time Management and Study Skills

Time Management and Study Skills Purpose There are typically several core components to any assignment at GCU. Knowing how to dissect a GCU assignment ensures successful completion of the assignment. The Understanding a GCU Assignment Worksheet will provide you with an opportunity to practice dissecting the components of an assignment so that you are better prepared to complete assignments successfully. Required Course Materials Lecture 2 Chapter 4 in the textbook: Time Management and Study Skills Understanding a GCU Assignment Worksheet Syllabus Tutorial Microsoft Word Instructions Read the required course materials listed above to assist you in answering the questions on the attached worksheet. These materials are accessible through the course materials tab in your classroom. To complete the assignment, you will review the sample assignment and rubric provided in the worksheet. This assignment is from another course and is only an example of an assignment, not one that you

Cyber Threats and Solutions

HLS 571 Case 3 Cyber Threats and Solutions Case Assignment Organizations continue to be challenged with an increased cyber vulnerabilities and threats.  Vulnerabilities can exist anywhere in the Internet system.  Some of these could be related to software, a system weakness, or simply brought on in many ways to include hackers, employee errors, or as a result of a disaster. For this case, answer the following: Discuss the types of cyber vulnerabilities and threats for Internet technology (IT) systems (i.e., hardware, software, stored data, and human). Assignment Expectations Assignments should be 3 full pages, double-spaced, not counting the cover or reference page. Paper format: (a) Cover page, (b) Header, (c) Body. Submit your assignment by the last day of this module. Provide quotations to support your responses. Relevance—All content is connected to the question. Precision—Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate. Depth o

Preparedness, Planning, and Development

HLS 503 Case 4 Preparedness, Planning, and Development Crisis Implementation Implementation of a crisis management system is critical to an organization. After completing the planning phases, the implementation phase includes developing the resources needed and the specific plans to address emergency response, communication, continuity, information technology, incident management and exercise/training. The FEMA planning system addressing the following areas: Implementation of the preparedness program includes identifying and assessing resources, writing plans, developing a system to manage incidents and training employees so they can execute plans. Resource Management: Resources needed for responding to emergencies, continuing business operations and communicating during and after an incident should be identified and assessed. Emergency Response Plan: Plans to protect people, property and the environment should be developed. Plans should include evacuation, sheltering in place a

Physical Education Contextual Factors Observation Assignment

Physical Education Contextual Factors Observation Assignment Description of Assignment : Your job is to closely observe the class and critique what you are seeing and hearing.  To critique means go over, review, or analyze.  Note, however, that critique is widely accepted as a noun in a neutral context; for example, “ The committee gave the report a thorough critique and found it both informed and intelligent.” Used in this way, critique means a pointing out of strengths and weaknesses, not just the “negative” aspects and then analyzing (e.g., Why? How? Etc…) rather than just describing them. Purpose of Assignment :  The purpose of this assignment is for the student observe variables that contribute to what you know to be best practice (or not).  More specifically, the student should observe and critique the following behaviors:  a) Teacher Managerial Tasks; b) Teacher Instructional Tasks; c) Classroom Atmosphere; and d) Student skill or (apparent) fitness levels. You should i

Personal responsibility

Personal responsibility Social justice is defined in many different ways depending on the entity that is making the definition. The entity making the definition defines it from the way they perceive the world. For the purposes of this writing assignment, social justice will be defined as conforming to the natural law that all persons irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, possessions, race, religion etc., are to be treated equally and without prejudice. Social justice also imposes on each member of society personal responsibility to work with others to design and continually perfect our institutions as tools for personal and social development. ————————————————————— With regards to law enforcement and social justice, many feel that law enforcement and the war on drugs creates social injustice by targeting minority and low income communities. —————————————————————- Write a 1,500-word paper that is APA formatted (not including the title, abstract, or reference page) paper that addr

Social Justice Essay

Social Justice Essay As stated in the course description, the University is committed to social responsibility, supports social justice, and celebrates diversity. Social justice is defined in many different ways depending on the entity that is making the definition. The entity making the definition defines it from the way they perceive the world. For the purposes of this writing assignment, social justice will be defined as conforming to the natural law that all persons irrespective of ethnic origin, gender, possessions, race, religion etc., are to be treated equally and without prejudice. Social justice also imposes on each member of society personal responsibility to work with others to design and continually perfect our institutions as tools for personal and social development. With regards to law enforcement and social justice, many feel that law enforcement and the war on drugs creates social injustice by targeting minority and low income communities. Write a 1,500-word paper

The Nature of Bureaucracy

The Nature of Bureaucracy Reaction Paper – Max Weber’s writings on the nature of bureaucracy are considered to be some of the most complete and early thoughts on the formal nature of bureaucratic organizations. In modern language, the word “bureaucratic” has taken on a negative connotation. Politicians and citizens alike talk of bureaucratic red tape and organizations that are out of control. Yet when one reads Weber’s writing, his descriptions and thoughts seem very logical and necessary to the running of an effective organization. Analyze 5-6 of Weber’s key arguments about bureaucratic organization and describe how application of those ideas can actually become a negative situation in organizations. For instance, you might talk about how it is necessary to have a hierarchy in an office yet the effectiveness depends on the positive, professional qualities of the leader. If the leader is mean-spirited, has a personal agenda or is simply incompetent then the system will not work. Your
Strategic Leadership Now that you are in charge of a significant function as the vice president (VP) of corporate organizational development that helps the organization to move in new strategic directions, you are being challenged. You have change programs in various stages of implementation at a large number of the 60 companies in your portfolio. Some of the companies are doing quite well, and others are stalling or are nonresponsive to the change initiatives that are being implemented. Several of the line managers are asking why some changes are having more success than others. You have a feeling that there is resistance that is taking place, and you want to roll out some new concepts and ideas to help the leaders of these companies handle this resistance. A number of these same leaders have asked you for a proposal that would help them understand the phenomenon and perhaps create action plans to address these issues. Discuss the following: What are the applicable models and stra

Strategic Leadership

Strategic Leadership IP Library Research Assignment You now have change programs in various stages of implementation at a large number of the 60 companies in your portfolio. Some of the companies are doing quite well, and others are stalling or are nonresponsive to the change initiatives being implemented. You have a feeling that there is resistance that is taking place, and you want to roll out some new concepts and ideas to help the leaders of these companies handle this resistance. A number of these leaders have asked you for ideas that would help them understand the resistance and to perhaps create action plans to address the issues involved. You presented a set of possible issues, which has prompted the line managers to ask for more specifics to increase the success of all the change initiatives. Complete the following: What is the relationship between change drivers and impediments to change in an organization? Explain different external and internal change drivers, and des

Sports management

Sports management Thread:  Select an organization in the sport industry. To make sure you do not select the same company as a classmate, place the organization name in the title of the discussion board thread. Each classmate should select a different organization. Answer the following questions: What challenges related to management does this organization face? Connect your ideas to one of the four functional areas of management (Planning, Organizing, Leading, or Evaluating). Include the organization’s website (URL) in your post. must be at least 500 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge and at least 1 outside resource. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Sports management appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGI

Biological phenomenon disease human report

Term Report The purpose of the term paper is to allow you to learn as much as you can about an appropriate topic that interests you. This is also to encourage the ability to research a topic and think critically about it. Information for your paper will be obtained from hardcopy (library) sources and from the internet. This handout should give you enough information to write a professional-quality paper. Basic Requirements The text of your paper will be 5-10 pages long (written text), double- spaced with a 10-12 size font that is easy to read (This is a Times New Roman, size 12 – Please don’t use hard to read fonts!!) A quality paper earning maximum points must have the following characteristics: 1. Your paper will have a title page with your name, the title of the paper, the semester and year, and the class title or number ( e.g. General Biology or Biol-107). Failure to provide a title page will cost 10% of the total points. 2. The paper will have one inch margins (more

ambulatory health service assignment

The ambulatory health service at a university is experiencing an increased number of student complaints concerning the services it offers in its walk-in urgent care clinic. Using the data in Table 14-5 on page 296 of the textbook, select a complaint for analysis. Your analysis must include a fish-bone chart, other appropriate charts (run and / or control), and any other techniques you deem necessary to analyze the data appropriately. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Construct a fish-bone chart using Word or MS Paint. Construct a run and / or control chart using Excel. Recommend to the ambulatory health service on how it can improve the services it offers in its walk-in urgent care clinic, based on your analysis. Provide a rationale for your recommendation. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or sch

The media and political opinion

Unit IV Assessment Can politicians use the media to shape opinion? How? Is it effective? 2.) What is polling, and what impact can polling have on politics? 3. Do you believe voting should be mandatory? Why or why not? Unit How does culture and the media affect voting practices and participation? Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post The media and political opinion appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

common stock analysis

1.. On December 5, 2007, the common stock of Google, Inc. (GOOG) was trading at $698.51. One year later, the shares sold for $301.99. Google has never paid a common stock dividend. What rate of return would you have earned on your investment had you purchased the shares on December 5, 2007? The rate of return you would have earned is what percent? 2.Syntex is considering an investment in one of two stocks. Given the information that follows, which investment is better based on the risk (the standard deviation) and return? Given the information in the table, what percent is the rate of return for Stock B? 3. The common stock of Plaxo Enterprises had a market price of $9.45 on the day you purchased it just 1 year ago. During the past year, the stock paid a dividend of $1.43 and closed at a price of $11.66. What rate of return did you earn on your investment in Plaxo’s stock? The rate of return you earned on Plaxo’s stock is what percent? 4. Caswell Enterprises had the following end-of

Simple Linear Regression

Unit 7: Simple Linear Regression Evaluation Title:  Assignment 7 Rubric Instructions: In this assignment, you will use linear regression to calculate the expected after exercising heart rate. Steps Open the Heart Rate Dataset in Excel and identify the X-variable (resting) and the Y-variable (after exercise). Use the Scatter Plot function in the Insert Charts section of Excel to create a scatter plot of the X and Y variables Add a trendlineto the scatter plot (Find and view a YouTube video on how to do this if you need help) Use the Data Analysis tools in Excel to perform a regression analysis on the X and Y variables. In a Word document, describe the relationship between the X-variable (rest heart rate)and the Y-variable (after exercise).  Make sure you include the following: Scatter plot with trend line Estimates for the intercept Slope coefficients Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Simple Linear Regression appeared first on EliteScoreWrit

Persuasive Speech Outline

Persuasive Speech Outline Using the persuasive speech outline, The persuasive speech should:. In the speech, make sure to address the following: Attribution to the sources. Identify the references within the speech presentation. “According to…” Follow the speech outline. What was your process to prepare your speech? What challenges did you have when preparing your speech? How did you overcome them? What challenges did you have recording your speech? How did you overcome them? Do you recognize in the speech the following: Introduction Body Conclusion Attention-getter Clear thesis statement and specific purpose What changes would you make to the speech? What further information would you have helped you complete your speech recording and self-critique? Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Persuasive Speech Outline appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S

Target Marketing Essay

Target Marketing Essay Identify David Leonhardt’s Claim and Subclaims in “Is College Worth It?…” (pp. 33-35). Did you find the Support he gave convincing? Did you see instances where he appeals to your Logos, Pathos, or Ethos? Finally, are there other aspects of the cost of college that you felt he did not consider or covered too quickly? Around 300-400 words is fine. I will post the document. The document link is Target Marketing Essay Choose a business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B) company that uses target marketing. Then, you will need to complete the following list: Briefly introduce the company you have chosen. Gather examples of its activities and products that support its business model. Remember to properly cite and reference the sources of information you find. You should have at least two references from business-related or news websites. Explain each of the four

The impact of leadership traits on organizational success

The impact of leadership traits on organizational success Submit a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 7-15 slides in which you present your research project and its findings to an audience of your peers. Within Unit V, you were required to discuss and implement one of the theories discussed on pages 55-76 of your course textbook. Within the PowerPoint Presentation for Unit VIII, please address the theory you decided to implement in your research project and the concepts you learned from integrating this specific theory. The PowerPoint presentation should contain the following slides: Title slide Content slides (Note: You must have 7-15 content slides.) At least three slides address the theory you picked for your research project. Explain or illustrate the concept(s) you learned from implementing this theory into your research project. Reflection slide(s) On your reflection slide(s), please explain the top three ideas/concepts that you will be taking away from this research pr

Atkins vs. Virginia

Atkins vs. Virginia 10 slide Microsoft ®  PowerPoint ®  presentation to brief the class on: Atkins vs. Virginia. Include the following: A properly formatted title page An agenda for your presentation An outline of the purpose or focus of the article An evaluation of the ethical issues presented in the article An explanation of the conclusions drawn by the article and their implications for the clinical practice of psychology An analysis of the implications of the ethical issues presented in the article to the practice of psychology A properly formatted reference slide Format  your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Atkins vs. Virginia appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLA

Managing Conflict

Managing Conflict Please respond to the following: Disagreements are a common occurrence in the workplace. Conflict within an organization can affect the atmosphere and productivity of the organization staff.  Propose three (3) strategies you would utilize to resolve conflict between you and your team members. Provide a rationale for each of your proposed strategies. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Managing Conflict appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Legislative Effects on English Learners

Legislative Effects on English Learners From your required readings, choose one Supreme Court case or one educational policy pertaining to English language learners (ELLs). In a 500-750 word essay, discuss the effect that this case or policy has had on the education of ELLs. Your essay should address the following questions: How has this case or policy helped contribute to the academic success of ELLs? How will this case or policy help improve education for ELLs? What gaps still exist? Support your essay with at least three scholarly resources. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Legislative Effects on English Learners appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Propose two (2) strategies to open the door to public–private partnerships

Propose two (2) strategies to open the door to public–private partnerships. Explain the main reasons why your proposed strategies would be effective. Give three (3) examples in which you have taken a leadership risk during the past year.   Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Propose two (2) strategies to open the door to public–private partnerships appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

Reflective essay

Reflective essay Rhetoric: • Use lecture and reading material. • Find specific examples from your work. Genre: • Readings: poetry, philosophy, fiction, music videos, graduation speeches. • Academic papers: summary, analysis, evaluation. Revision: • Specific comments from professor or Smart Thinking tutor. • Examples of revisions. Faith integration: • Theology of culture. Get qualified custom writing help fast and easily. The post Reflective essay appeared first on EliteScoreWriters . from EliteScoreWriters Assignment status : S olved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM


POSITION PAPER: POWER, POLITICS, AND CULTURE Power and politics greatly influence an organization’s culture. In business, the culture can make or break an organization’s productivity. In this assignment, you’ll analyze the ways power and politics have influenced an organization’s culture. You’ll apply best practices you learned in course resources and your own research to make recommendations for improving this organization’s culture. PREPARATION Using the same organization from the first two assignments, imagine the CEO has now requested your task force investigate the influence of power and politics on the corporate culture. You have been asked to prepare a position paper that presents and supports your recommendations to improve the culture. Prepare for this assignment by delving into the organization’s culture and identifying the resources you, the task force leader, will use to create your research-supported position paper. Use at least two quality resources such as the course te


Self-Reflection Details: You have been practicing counseling skills either on a volunteer or on yourself throughout this course. This paper is an opportunity to reflect on everything you learned. It is also an opportunity to examine yourself as a potential counselor. You may write in the first-person perspective in this assignment. Write a 500-750-word paper addressing the following: What is the most significant information you learned about the skills required to be an effective counselor? Were there any skills that surprised you as you worked through the course? What are your strengths as a potential counselor? These could be attending or communication skills, attitudes or behaviors that will be an asset in the counseling role. What skills do you think will be most difficult for you? What might be your handicaps as a counselor? What are some specific actions you will take to prepare yourself for your future practicum experience? Explain the role of consultant-counselor. Do y