
Showing posts from November, 2014

lean interprise

lean interprise Project description complete the following tasks: 1. Read the Unit 7 Intro. 2. Read chapters 7 and 9 in the text. 3. Please participate in the threaded discussions. 4. As is indicated on the Schedule under Course Home, there will be a quiz to open November 26 - November 28. This exam will (obviously) be open book, open notes and cover Units Five and Six. There will be 10 multiple choice questions worth one point each and you will have 30 minutes to complete . this quiz is 10 % of your grade . Nabil kafal Section 2 vocab Statistical Process Control: is a method of quality control which uses statistical methods. SPC is applied in order to monitor and control a process. Monitoring and controlling the process ensures that it operates at its full potential. At its full potential, the process can make as much conforming product as possible with a minimum (if not an elimination) of waste (rework or scrap). Poka-yoke:  is a Japanese term that means "mistake-proofing".

Data Analysis Assignment—Hobbits’ Choice Restaurant

Data Analysis Assignment—Hobbits’ Choice Restaurant Project description Instruction Jeff Dean is a restaurant supply sales representative who has always dreamed of opening his own restaurant. He is thinking of opening a fine, upscale restaurant featuring the finest entres, drinks, and desserts in an elegant atmosphere, which is a type of restaurant missing from his metro area. Dean was a fan of the author J.R.R. Tolkien, and he thought the reference to the Hobbits would be perfect in a name for an upscale restaurant. The Hobbits, characters in Tolkienas writings, were portrayed as good, fun- loving people whose lives primarily centered around eating. To help justify the investment costs of opening such a restaurant and to provide information for his marketing plan, Dean conducted a marketing research study. The data from his survey are saved in the Excel file HobbitData.xlsx. For your data analysis project, please use evidence obtained from analysis of the dataset to address the questi

Promoting child and adolescent health outcomes in Australia

Promoting child and adolescent health outcomes in Australia Criteria Demonstrate understanding and significance of the priority direction selected evident. Demonstrate understanding how differing context influence child and youth outcomes evident. Identify health and wellbeing promotion strategies that are achievable, applicable to the Australian context and are clearly justified (supported with evidence from quality research) . Maintain academic standards through: -Evidence of in-depth engagement with appropriate academic literature and other resources. -Accurately referenced using the Harvard style. - Structure and written expression is clear and logical. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

Marketing plan for e-business

Marketing plan for e-business E-Marketing Mix: Within this part of the plan you must discuss firm?s target market, identify competitors, describe approach to advertising, explain pricing mechanisms and outline mode(s) of product/service delivery. More specifically your E-Marketing Mix should include discussion and analysis of: Customers - who are the firm?s customers, their online behavior, their demographics, and their estimated population Addoony is an online Qatari store that targets customers in GCC region, particularly in Qatar. As a retailer for well-known beauty products, the primary customers of Addoony are women. According to CIA World Factbook estimates, the total population of Qatar is around 2.2 million, among which the female population aged between 15- 64 in Qatar is around 349,000. For a company that focuses on selling beauty products, this population consisting of young girls to elderly women (15-64) is a good target since they are fond of using makeup products the most

A Debate

A Debate Project description Here is the link to the debate on whether Teacher's Unions are responsible for the failure of our K-12 educational system. We watched through the 1 hr point, so there is 54 minutes left. write a 1 page summary of the debate with the poll results at the end, and the winner of the debate. If the above link does not work, copy and paste this URL address into your web browser: PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

Coursework EC2002 Macroeconomics

Coursework EC2002 Macroeconomics In the AS/AD model, describe an economy where the l evel of production (Y) is below the natural level (Yn). Would the economy sta y forever in this position? Explain the adjustment process in the economy. Sugg est a monetary policy or a fiscal policy to increase output. Analyse the effec t of this macro-policy on the price level and employment. Find, collect, present and analyse data from one of the following economies --UK, Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, or Spain—that illustrate your answer (by identifying and describing two occasions/time periods that better fit with your an swers.) Word limit: 1200 words (plus two pages: one page co ntaining a maximum of 4 graphs and another page containing a maximum of 3 t ables, make sure references to data sources are given; website links are fine) PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

individual report on group d East End Brewing Company project

individual report on group d East End Brewing Company project Order Description take a look at the attachment i just posted it's about the East End Brewing Company Project use and write the individual report on group dynamics and technology The individual assignment is to write a 2-3 page paper describing the group dynamics and technological tools used and the difficulties and advantages encountered through the use of these tools in the preparation of the group paper. There are many concepts in the book regarding group dynamics. In particular, this topic is covered in some depth in Chapter 19. Use and cite at least two sources in your individual paper other than the textbook. Remember that this is a management class. The object is to apply management techniques to these real issues. Justify your assumptions, but do not get bogged down in marketing, finance, or accounting. your individual report on group dynamics and technology to 2-3 pages plus citations (30 points possible). Remem

LOG676-1404B-01 Logistics Support Services in Impaired or Hazardous Environments

LOG676-1404B-01 Logistics Support Services in Impaired or Hazardous Environments Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. Write a paper that addresses the similarities and differences between humanitarian logistics and business logistics. Objective:    •  Evaluate and select private relief and human service aid organizations that are able to support transportation/logistics operations in a disaster area. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

Older Clients

Older Clients Assignment Instruction Please answer the following five (5) questions in a new Word doc. Please ensure you have your name and student number on the assessment either as a title page or a header/footer. Each question is required to be referenced using APA referencing and a complete reference list is to be attached at the end of the assessment (refer to the APA Referencing Guide. The total word count is 1000 words Shows evidence of the use of at least four (4) relevant reference sources (e.g. textbooks, professional websites, current journal articles). Questions: 1. Mrs Holt, 85 years old, has been admitted to acute care following a fall resulting in a fractured femur. She is a widow and lives alone with her three cats for company. a) What aspects would you consider in preparation for her discharge? b) Research and discuss a minimum of three (3) services that are available to assist the older person with maintaining social contacts within your local area. a) Demonstrates un


Personality Order Description 3 page APA essay for General Psychology Read the fairy tale story (I will provide the website) "Snow-White and Rose-Red". Chose 3 characters to write about and use the five-factor model of personality to discuss personality characteristics of each chosen character. (will provide the reference below)Must clearly support statements about personality and reflect comprehension of the fairy tale story. Must correctly use the five-factor model of personality website for fairy tale Hockenbury D., & HOckenbury, S. (2014). "Personality" (for the five-factor model of personality) PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

How does Baldwin’s title “Sonny’s Blues” contribute to a theme in the story?

How does Baldwin’s title “Sonny’s Blues” contribute to a theme in the story? Order Description One source HAS to be the story itself, but the other 4 can be from books, reference room, or online subscription databases. The primary purpose of the paper is to analyze and/or explicate the literary text (texts); therefore, the thesis should speak directly to the theme and examples should support your interpretation of meaning. Each body paragraph must contain at least one direct quotation from the primary text (texts) that supports the point you are making in the paragraph. Be sure to explain how the quotation supports the point. The paper must contain at least one direct quotation from each secondary source for a minimum of 4 secondary source quotations. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)


jOB iNTERVIEW In class, we discussed the five major aptitudes that employers in health care (Nurses) look for in a job candidate: •    Ability to Communicate •    Willingness to take Initiative •    Willingness to Accept Responsibility •    Leadership Potential •    Ambition and Motivation For each, describe a relevant work, education or volunteer experience in which you demonstrated that skill. NOTE: Your response for each question should give enough detail to represent a professional interview response, and attempt to relate to the healthcare field in some way. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

What will be the best job opportunities for health care managers in 2020

What will be the best job opportunities for health care managers in 2020 Order Description These are the instruction forwarded: Instructions for the Term Paper use APA style - especially for citations. What needs to be included in the 3 pages I am ordering: please divide the 3 pages into two sections. in the first one and a half page please discuss the most important macro-trends affecting the future of the US healthcare system in terms of demographics. In the second half, please write one and a half page of conclusion including ideas discussing the most important macro-trends affecting the future of the US healthcare system in terms of overall economy, demographics, personal lifestyles and behaviors, technology (including biotechnology and smartphones), and federal and state government policies Please make sure that there are no direct quotes from any sources, previous papers, books journals since the paper will be submitted to an online program which will catch plagiarism. every thin

Individual Programmatic Assessment: Professional Skills Paper.

Individual Programmatic Assessment: Professional Skills Paper. Choose one of the human services populations from the list below and conduct research using peer-reviewed journal articles from the University Library. Suggested databases include the ProQuest® social sciences or the PsycINFO® databases on the chosen population. Client Populations •Mental illness( Chossen) Include human services as part of your search. The more specific criteria you choose, the more relevant your paper will be. Write a 1925-word paper that addresses the following: •Address the interpersonal skills needed to work with this population. •Address personal and professional qualities that help human services professionals successfully work with this population. •Does this population require differential treatment? Why or why not? Is there anything that warrants a change in the human services worker’s style, behaviors, or attitudes? •Include strategies to use and actions to take to improve your professional skills

individual mental and physical health plan

individual mental and physical health plan Order Description Individual Mental and Physical Health Plan Mental Health • Write down my positive thoughts and periodically look back at them throughout the day. This will help with focusing on Positive thoughts opposed to negative ones • Take at least 2-3 10minute breaks each day to relax and unwind. • Try my best to get at least 6 hours of sleep each night. This will help my body’s immune system to function better as well as providing me with the necessary energy needed to complete daily tasks. • When I experience negative thoughts, I will find ways to find a positive aspect to them. • I will work on realizing that there are some things that can wait till “tomorrow” to be done and that everything does not need to be done “today.” This will contribute to a more restful night of sleep. Physical • Sunday: soccer game in the evening, about 1 hr • Monday: 30-40min hill run at MtSac in the morning and lunges • Tuesday: 30-40 min hill run at Scha

Public and Non-Profit Management and Organisation

Public and Non-Profit Management and Organisation Public and Nonprofit Management and Organization (N1045) Assignment outline A)    Present the business case and an initial plan for the design of a public sector and/or nonprofit sector solution to a social need that involves the creation of a new organization ?    Write a project report of around 3000 words which explains the business case for the creation of a new organisation, including needs, benefits, funding, stakeholders, management issues etc. The report needs to present a compelling and convincing business case, so exactly what you include, and how much weight you dedicate to each point, is up to you. You can and should use tools and models discussed in the module. The following list is indicative to help you get started. 1.    Discuss the social need/problem, including urgency, severity or impact, and describe the domain of action (geographical context) 2.    Present the vision and the specific objectives of this solution 3.  


Measurement Quantitative Research : Measurement TASK : The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the process of quantitative measurement. (1) Select a topic (may use same topic of literature review). (2) Develop a research question out of this topic (1 mark). You can use the same one as the literature review if you wish. (3) Identify the independent and dependent variables in your research question (1 mark). (4) Formulate an hypothesis based on your research question (2 marks). Does your hypothesis suggest a positive or negative relationship? (1 mark). (5) Develop nominal (conceptual) definitions for both your independent and dependent variables (3 marks). (6) Develop operational definitions for both your independent and dependent variables (3 marks). (7) Identify the unit of analysis on which data (informat ion) would be collected (2 marks). (8) Identify the level of measuremenat which each of your variables would be measured PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AN


Entrepreneurs Business Write a assignment about the founder of 'Lorna Jane' clothing brand and; 1.Give the name of the entrepreneur and as much information regarding your entrepreneur’s background as you can find.  (eg. Family history, early accomplishments, education, how that person got started and their company’s operations/history) 2.What type of goods and/or services does the business sell?          3.Comment on the effectiveness of the business’ website. How/why does it appeal to you? 4.Identify four characteristics of the entrepreneur and provide evidence for your selection. 5.Explain how/why this particular entrepreneur is successful. 6.What is of particular interest about this entrepreneurial business that has not already been covered? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

This assignment requires each student to critically evaluate a website of a company chosen by students. This report will build a critical analysis of your chosen website against a framework which is a distillation of the critical elements you have synthes

This assignment requires each student to critically evaluate a website of a company chosen by students. This report will build a critical analysis of your chosen website against a framework which is a distillation of the critical elements you have synthes ? Evaluate the company website in terms of how it has implemented digital information systems. ? Critically review the business model of the website including the online value proposition, online revenue models, target audience/ market and product/ service strategies . ? Critically evaluate the customer relationship management of the company website. ? Provide suggestions/ recommendations for further improvement of the company's digital business strategy. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

What knowledge of cultural competency have I learned that will make me a better health professional

What knowledge of cultural competency have I learned that will make me a better health professional What knowledge of cultural competency have I learned that will make me a better health professional PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

Cold War Era and the social and political impact/influences as seen in the 1954 film Invasion of the Body Snatchers discuss the various social and political influences of the Cold War Era on the movie The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Paper must have an argument

Cold War Era and the social and political impact/influences as seen in the 1954 film Invasion of the Body Snatchers discuss the various social and political influences of the Cold War Era on the movie The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Paper must have an argument. Possible Abstract: The Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a science fiction film of the 1950?s which skillfully captures the paranoia of the Cold War Era. Although most viewers and critics of the Invasion of the Body Snatchers have argued that the theme of the movie is the threat of Communism and perhaps McCarthyism to American Society, closer examination shows that the primary and overriding theme is the loss of individual identity and of human feeling. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

Romanesque art- art history

Romanesque art- art history Project description **Please write about the topic that is stated below.** **The citation should be in Art Bulletin form.** **Must use 3 to4 sources of books.( no internet source)** **Please include endnotes** **Read all the instructions that I give and please follow one by one exactly.** **please use uploaded instructions for detailed description on how the paper should be written** **DO NOT PLAGIARIZE** *** You are writing a CRITIQUE OF THE BELOW TOPIC** **THE READINGS YOU SHOULD USE TO CRITIQUES IS ALSO BELOW THE TOPIC** **PLEASE INCLUDE OTHER SOURCES TO STRENGTHEN UP THE PAPER** *****PLEASE READ THE UPLOADED INSTRUCTIONS THROUGHLY AND BE SURE TO FOLLOW EVERY STEP ON THERE!!*** ****Topic:- a critique of the literature on the zodiac in pre-Romanesque and Romanesque art; in what astrological starter: art historical starter: sorts of artworks was it used, under what circumstances, what was the physical arrangement, what were the related subjects, so they all

Structural Stagnation Dilemma

Structural Stagnation Dilemma Project description Here is the forum where you should post your Stagnation Post". This post is worth 50 points or 10% of your grade. Your Structural Stagnation Dilemma post should be submitted by Sunday, November 23 and is worth up to 50 points. Your post should contain at least four well-formed paragraphs. The minimum recommended length for your assessment should be about 500 words. For your Structural Stagnation Dilemma post you are asked to critically evaluate the debate over structural stagnation, technological change, and globalization as outlined in Chapter 11 and other chapters of your text. In addition to the material in Chapter 11 please look over Appendix A of Chapter 11: Creating a Targeted Safety Net to Help the Least Well Off. It is also recommended that you read the material in Chapter 17 on Jobs and Unemployment especially pages 370-381 starting with the section: Is Unemployment Structural or Cyclical? There are additional resources on

Sport Economics

Sport Economics Critically assess the effectiveness of the organisation and structure of a sport competition/league of your choice informing your analysis with reference to the relevant literature on sports economics and sport business management. In the light of your analysis what recommendations would you make for the re-organisation of that sport competition/league? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

LDCS and NICS: How South Korea change its military rule to a democracy rule. (Politic and economic system)

LDCS and NICS: How South Korea change its military rule to a democracy rule. (Politic and economic system) Project description Need a thesis statement clearly stated in the introduction and then defended and elaborated upon throughout the rest of the essay. Do not want papers that are exclusively fact-based; instead, take the topic, do some research on it, and then process that information into a paper that attempts to give a thoughtful analysis, pose and/or answer intelligent questions, or otherwise present and address an argument. Sources: You need at least four written sources that are scholarly in nature. Journal articles are acceptable as long as they are scholarly in nature and not aDemocratization for Dummies,a or something like that. As for newspaper or magazine articlesathey need to be longer than one or two pagesaif it is some short little summation of a news item, it isnat acceptable. If it is an investigative article that seriously addresses the topic over several pages, yo

Drama Analysis

Drama Analysis VS lopi•s: Drama Analysis Select one 01 of the following topics; write a 3-5 page paper; be brilliant. Hamlet • Is Claudius purely evil or merely flawed? Couldn't the play have been titled The Tragedy of Claudius? • Why does Hamlet admire and trust Horatio? • Evaluate Polonius. Is he wise or foolish? Sincere or self-serving? Explain. A Doll House • To what extent is Krogstad a "villain"? Compare his motives and actions (in the past and in the present) to those of Helmer and Dr. Rank. • Compare the extent to which Helmer and Nora share responsibility for having created a "doll house." Evaluate Nora's leaving him as an opportunity for Helmer. • Consider the ways in which the marriage of Nora and Helmer is typical, rather than uniquely theirs. Death of a Salesman • Which characters are symbolic? What do they symbolize • How is the relationship between7CHhar Charley and  thids   Bdee  lanard differe one between Willy and his sons?   from .   How  


MIDDLE SCHOOL NEEDS ANALYSIS Order Description Part 1: Complete a chart or graphic organizer that depicts the cognitive characteristics of middle school students as related to Piaget's concrete operation stage to the formal operation stage. Part 2: In 4–6 pages, briefly summarize your findings, as recorded in your chart or graphic organizer. Secondly, based on your research, briefly discuss the implications of middle school student's cognitive development on the design of your curriculum and methods. Finally, describe a particular curriculum issue related to cognitive development which may arise for middle school students, and the method or methods you would employ to compensate for cognitive variances. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)


Inventory Order Description *You are supposed to create your own inventory to assess the student's knowledge of English. For example, you can assess his/her understanding of phrase structures such as noun phrases (syntax) or the comparison of adjectives (morphology). The inventory can be just one or two pages long. *Once you administer the inventory on the student and get the result, you will write a short summary in which you identify the area that the student needs improvement on. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

Essay about Shakespeare‘s Othello

Essay about Shakespeare‘s Othello Project description TOPIC: Is Iago's *evil* ultimately attribute to his being supernaturally malevolent(the devil), or is he simply extremely angry for the reasons provided in Othello(Skipped over for promotion, etc)? Instruction: Read Shakespeare's Othello(will be posted) and write a paper based on the topic above. Clarify and defend your insights using direct quotations from the text. Be aware of your argument(thesis) must be debatable... and use direct quotation to support you points and argument... The specific guideline will be posted with the book. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

two forms of music

two forms of music Project description Comparison/contrast questions commonly arise in every imaginable discipline. To compare is to point out how two things are similar (likenesses); to contrast is to stress how they are dissimilar (differences). All comparisons and contrasts are concerned with two sides, and you must deal equally with both. Make sure that the items/subjects to be compared/ contrasted belong to the same class. Carefully decide on the areas of your comparison /points or logical bases for comparison. The following expressions indicate comparison: alsoas well as bears resemblance to both. . .and in common with in like manner like likewiseneither. . .nor similar too The following expressions indicate contrast although this may be trueat the same time butfor all that howeverin contrast to in opposition tonevertheless on the contraryon the one hand on the other hand otherwisestill unlikewhereas yet Basic Organizational Pattern I. Introduction: Lead-in (1-3 sentences) Centra

CS 120 Project 4 - Strings and Characters

CS 120 Project 4 - Strings and Characters Fall 2014 - due Fri Nov 7 (revised) Write Python programs to perform the following calculations involving characters and strings. Each program should be divided into a main() procedure that performs input and output, and separate functions to do the calculations. Input is from the keyboard, and output is to the screen. 1.    Basic string operations:  The main program should define the following strings (no data entry is required): A = "Moravian College" B = "Greyhounds" C = your first name in mixed case D = "Python programming is easy!" E = "2.71828" Perform the following string operations in the main program. Your program code should show how the resulting string was obtained. Separate functions are not needed. (a)    Concatenate strings A and B, with a space separating the substrings. (b)    Multiply string B times 4. (c)    Extract the substring "hounds" from string B and convert it to upperc

Write about Japan

Write about Japan Project description Sources is not necessary i just want an assay about Japan you can write about anything about Japan PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

Challenges that Face African Americans Youth In Today’s Economy

Challenges that Face African Americans Youth In Today’s Economy College Level, Two of the points Negative Influence Of The Media And Hip Hop Culture .Discuss. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)

Does the novel “Flowers for Algernon” make a definitive statement about the role of intelligence in human life, or does it simply explore this idea as an open-ended question?

Does the novel “Flowers for Algernon” make a definitive statement about the role of intelligence in human life, or does it simply explore this idea as an open-ended question? Write an essay answering paper topic. Prove your arguments with citations and your own ideas. List 3-5 sources in the references. PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT :)


Assignment front sheet In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades Grade Descriptor Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation M1Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions    •    Effective judgements have been made. •    An effective approach to study and research has been applied.    To achieve MI, have effective judgements and approach to study and research to identify and explain the sources of finance available to a business and implications of finance as a resource within a business. Part A Task M2 Select / design and apply appropriate methods / techniques    •    A range of methods and techniques have been applied •    The design of methods and techniques/sources has been justified    To achieve M2,apply range of methods and techniques and justify the methods and techniques to make financial decisions based on financial information and evalu